Accumulative Patch for WebOffice 10 R3 SP5 ========================================== Buildtime: 02.12.2015 - 11:59 This is an addon-patch for WebOffice 10 R3 SP5. That means, WebOffice 10 R3 SP5 is a minimum requirement and has to be installed! This patch contains all fixes since WebOffice 10 R3 Service Pack 5! Please inform your users to delete the browser cache according our guideline, before opening WebOffice the first time: Requirements: ============= - Installation of SynerGIS WebOffice 10 R3 including Service Pack 5 - Note to roll out the accumulative patch: Manual Browser Cache Delete needed after Patch Installation: YES Installation: ============= 1) Backup your entire WebOffice web-application (e.g. C:\Tomcat\webapps\) to a save place 2) Stop Apache Tomcat (Start/Programs/Administrative Tools/Services) 3) Delete the working directory of Apache Tomcat at e.g. C:\Tomcat\work\Catalina\localhost\ 4) Copy WO10R3SP5_patch_20151202.exe to the directory of your WebOffice web-application (e.g. C:\Tomcat\webapps\) 5) Run WO10R3SP5_patch_20151202.exe and choose to overwrite all existing files 6) Delete the file WO10R3SP5_patch_20151202.exe 7) Start Apache Tomcat (Start/Programs/Administrative Tools/Services) 8) In case of problems: Clear Browser- and Proxy-Cache and delete the file "\\client_workspace\JSXAPPS\weboffice\js\core_wo.js" Changelog (from WebOffice 10 R3 SP5 to 02.12.2015): =================================================== 28212: HTML: Support to configure max. timeout for extract and ePaper in the WebOffice application configuration 28859: map widget: New parameter "sendBuffer" for the buffer tool 29554: HTML: Problem at Editing using hierarchical edit fields and lookup values 29733: Extract: Username (Login) is case-sensitive 31959: GeoNIS: Support for field type "LONG Integer" for the field "DATE_CREATED" 32148: Flex: Support for external GUI modules (including the option to minimize them) 32171: map widget: Optimization of callbacks for Neighbor Search inside Testcontainer 32211: CustomPage: New custom page "\pub\custom_pages\ios_routing.jsp" to pass WGS1984 coordinates to the native map application on iOS devices 32308: map widget: Support for filtered query 32340: UserManagement: Some optimizations for using a secured URL in a Reverse Proxy scenario 32423: map widget: Support to switch the map view directly in map widget 32426: HTML: Support for net trace using a geometry network - requires a WebOffice trace license! 32664: map widget: For projects with UserManagement light no external IDs are read automatically inside Testcontainer 32745: UserManagement: Group rights on tables didn't get matched correctly, if a user was a member in multiple groups 32761: map widget: Buffer result is lost, if Add/Remove Tool is used afterwards 32858: map widget: It's not possible to generate a MovePoint request inside Testcontainer 32919: Mobile: New Icons for external calls from WebOffice - see: \pub\images\mobile 32942: map widget: Error inside Testcontainer, if a multilevel hierarchical query gets executed 32942: map widget: Inside Testcontainer the log windows for requests and responses get not filled 32988: Mobile: Error at print, if only a WebOffice basic license is available 32997: map widget: New parameter "retainSelection=true" to retain a selection even if the Add/Remove tool has been deactivated 32998: map widget: The Identify tool should send the centerpoint of the map as callback 32999: map widget: New parameter "bufferOnce=true" to show the buffer tool only once initially 33000: map widget: Optimization for the tools SelectLine/Area, if too many objects have been selected 33029: Mobile: It should be possible to execute an external query to WebOffice from a project, which is currently in use 33102: HTML: Optimization, if checkboxes are not correctly configured at editing 33107: Security: Some Optimizations --- NOTE: All .jsp files inside "\pub\custom_pages" and "\pub\custom_tools", which are shipped by default will be replaced and all custom modifications get lost! 33127: HTML: No values returned in the query builder on a search field of type "Value list with auto-complete", if only one character gets entered 33128: HTML: It's not possible to navigate with the overview map in IE10 or IE11, if the overview map has been repositioned 33140: SynAdmin: Support to get the access statistic for map widget calls 33144: map widget: Problems with special characters in Maptip 33258: Mobile: Support for iOS 8 33340: Mobile: Support for parameter "&mode=zoomto_minimized" - see "\pub\" for further details 33475: Mobile: Support to display a RSS feed 33478: HTML: URL parameter are not passed correctly to external GUI module 33526: Mobile: It's not possible to identify via touch 33574: HTML: Some characters are cut off at a Hyperlink URL 33598: Mobile: The fields "Creator" and "Title" have no default values at print 33667: Mobile: Problem at navigation and selection on Android devices 33811: Map widget: At buffer with an hierarchical query the hierarchical query parameter are not passed to the SynService request 33838: Mobile: No edit button should be displayed for Multipoint Featureclasses, because currently only creating new objects is supported 33922: Trace: Opening the trace tool the barrier button should be active 33923: Trace: Support for point snap on the barrier layer 33977: HTML: Problem at Editing, if a WebOffice lookup is configured on an edit field with subtypes 34057: General: Problem passing double values from an .mdb or .adcb from WebOffice to an external application 34080: HTML: Problem at tool "Search Coordinates" with snapping on markups 34660: Mobile: Support to display legends of type PDF 34790: Map widget: Even without providing a value for the parameter "coordmarker_id" a coordinate marker should be displayed 35197: Mobile: If the count for Full-text search suggestions is set to "0" no suggestions should be displayed 35316: Mobile: Problem open an external link via http POST in Internet Explorer 35679: Flex: The link beyond the first hyperlink is always used 36404: Security: Security issue with the library "commons-collections-3.2.1.jar" 36463: Mobile: Problem with navigation (multi-touch gestures) on android devices using the latest version of Google Chrome IMPORTANT: All fixes have been tested on base of bug reports of our customers. Due the high complexity of this product we can't avaoid regressions for sure.