Cumulative Update for WebOffice 10.9 R2 SP1
Build time: 20240613-0859
- This is an add-on patch for WebOffice 10.9 R2 SP1. That means, WebOffice 10.9 R2 SP1 is a minimum requirement and must be installed! This patch contains all fixes since WebOffice 10.9 R2 SP1!
- Please inform your users to delete the browser cache according our guideline, before opening WebOffice the first time after applying an upgrade.
Installation of VertiGIS WebOffice 10.9 R2 (min. build time: 20230403-0941)
Installation of VertiGIS WebOffice author standalone 10.9 R2 SP1 - min. Build
Optional: Installation of VertiGIS Studio Printing Engine - Build (ArcGIS 10.8.1 - ArcGIS 10.9.1)
- Backup your entire WebOffice web-application
C:\Tomcat\webapps\<WebOffice web-application>
) to a save place - Stop Apache Tomcat (Start/Programs/Administrative Tools/Services)
- Delete the working directory of Apache Tomcat at
C:\Tomcat\work\Catalina\localhost\<WebOffice web-application>
- Update “ArcGIS Server Object Extension for WebOffice” at least to:
- In ArcGIS Server Manager under “Services” choose to stop the Map Service “SynOutputService” (or all services, where “WebOffice Server Object Extension” is activated)
- In ArcGIS Server Manager under “Site/Extensions” choose to edit
“WebOffice Server Object Extension” and select
<Patch>\ArcGIS for Server Object Extension\syn_soe_ao_gateway.soe
” to upload- Don’t use uninstall and install the extension, because else you have
to set the properties for “WebOffice Server Object Extension”
- Don’t use uninstall and install the extension, because else you have
to set the properties for “WebOffice Server Object Extension”
- Copy the content of
- In ArcGIS Server Manager under “Services” choose to start the Map Service “SynOutputService” (or all services, where “WebOffice Server Object Extension” is activated)
- Copy WO109R2SP1_patch_YYYYMMDD.exe to the directory of your
WebOffice web-application
C:\Tomcat\webapps\<WebOffice web-application>
) - Run WO109R2SP1_patch_YYYYMMDD.exe and choose to overwrite all existing files
- Delete the file WO109R2SP1_patch_YYYYMMDD.exe
- Start Apache Tomcat (Start/Programs/Administrative Tools/Services)
Changelog since WebOffice 10.9 R2 SP1:
- 256424: WebOffice author: In the wizard “Configure print templates” the print templates for VertiGIS Printing are not read out due to a hardcoded timeout
- 261412: Flex: When editing a multipart polygon, all
parts except for the edited one are deleted at the end of the editing
- 283752: General: Error in WebOffice SOE printing if
no font size is assigned to a text in a SaveState
- 290418: Map Widget: No object is created for “Edit:
Create” when using the crosshair
- 290569: Flex: Project call with an external filter
does not work
- 290946: General: Various links to the WebOffice and VertiGIS website are no longer correct
- 252198: General: Tiles of a WMTS service are not displayed in WebOffice because the necessary parameter “ENDPOINT” is not sent
- 257879: Core: In the TOC, the display of visibility is not correct for a group of map services that includes a WMS service
- 260233: General: At the (first) project start, WMS services that have not yet been fully initialized are not available and are therefore missing in the TOC
- 260298: General: Regression from 232830 causes secured tiled MapServer services no longer be displayed when UserManagement is activated and the parameter “Use fallback authentication type UM-DB” is used
- 258447: VertiGIS Printing: Support for new parameter “Use Feature Access?” on VertiGIS Printing print templates to control whether the “Feature Access” property should be applied to involved MapServer services
- 258835: VertiGIS Printing: Support for VertiGIS Studio Printing Engine v1.8.0.63
- 239400: General: WFS service cannot be connected if the systemId (schemaLocation) is a URL of the schema
- 239721: VertiGIS Printing: Redlining created by the “Free Labeling” tool is transferred to the printout as an image and not vectorized and therefore has a poor quality
- 256047: General: WMS services that are secured with BASIC Authentication cause an unnecessary warning in the log file
- 256641: General: Maptip performance optimization
when an end user does not have edit permissions
- 257888: Core: WMS services cannot be added using the “Add WMS service” tool
- 258447: VertiGIS Printing: No static layout attribute table with selected features can be created from layers of a MapServer service - Important: The use of a static layout attribute table requires that “Feature Access” is activated on the MapServer service
- 259220: General: In the custom page xPlanung, every string of “br” in the text is incorrectly interpreted as a line break
- 172986: VertiGIS Printing: If only the geoprocessing service for VertiGIS Printing is running in the federated server scenario and is secured with OAuth, no login dialog appears and the print functionality is therefore not available
- 255209: General: When printing WebOffice SOE with a dynamic legend, the order of the legend elements no longer corresponds to that in the TOC
- 255384: VertiGIS Printing: Regression caused by 237069 that the creation of an printout after displaying a 1:n table link (= relate) throws an error
- 240885: General: In VertiGIS Printing and map export, the order of basemaps is not correct if several basemaps contribute to the map image
- 251384: General: Unnecessary notification when searching using m-values if the GIS object is a multipart feature
- 253892: General: WebOffice author standalone cannot connect to certain WMS services that have a password parameter in the URL
- 245788: Core: Performance optimization when editing polygons when checking for invalid object geometries
- 253918: General: Table search with reverse join fails if the GIS layer with the same layer identifier is available on different map services
- 250574: General: Layers with a thematic mapping sometimes cause an error in the WebOffice log file
- 252206: Core: Regression by 245232 causes the tool “Free labeling” not to work
- 253570: SynAdmin: The link behind the WebOffice news button does not work
- 253618: General: For a certain debugging request, the credentials of an ArcGIS Server user are logged in plain text
- 253754: Core: When updating an already created measurement object, the correct tool is not selected
- 201351: Core: Texts on the screen differ in size from printouts created with VertiGIS Printing
- 246979: Core: When printing from the search result in VertiGIS Printing, the configured print template is ignored
- 250598: Core: Error in the browser console when
switching between construction tools
- 250682: General: Using the URL parameter
“map_layers_visibility” the visibility of layers explicitly configured
in the WebOffice project configuration cannot be overridden
- 251427: General: Regression by 245775 prevents the switching state of group layers in the TOC from being read from the MXD on which the map service is based
- 243093: Core: Layout problem in the measurement form for hectometry
- 245284: Core: Various bug fixes for the hectometry function in the measurement tool
- 246385: General: GetFeatureInfo request on a specific WMS service does not return a result because the response cannot be parsed
- 245775: General: Significant performance optimization of the project start time if a project contains a very high number of annotation feature classes with many subtypes
- 249614: Core: When editing a layer of a FeatureServer service, the preview of the editing templates is not correct if an attributive filter from WebOffice UserManagement is applied to the layer
- 201733: VertiGIS Printing: Support for VertiGIS Studio Printing Engine v1.6.0.2
- 245186: Core: Support for Basemap Gallery of the
Portal for ArcGIS of the currently active WebScene
- 195400: VertiGIS Printing: At the selection tool for areas the fill type “Forward diagonal” is printed instead of “Backward diagonal”
- 234066: Core: Uploaded KML files are not correct
due to Esri limitation ENH-000162815
- 239670: Core: If all objects of a layer are
selected in a full text search, the configured map view is not
- 246975: Flex: The legend cannot be scrolled on a small browser window
- 246979: VertiGIS Printing: Creating a printout from a search result does not work
- 247610: Flex: The custom tool “pub/custom_tools/GoogleMapsWidget.htm” does not work on mobile devices
- 247975: General: If a search/selection exceeds the maximum number of hits, no notification is displayed
- 248278: Core: Preconfigure the WebScene OpenStreetMap 3D Buildings & Trees in the ArcGIS WebScene Custom Tool
- 244113: General: Support for configuring a filter in the web.xml to validate a token
- 245450: Extract: Support for configuring a static user to determine the role authorizations from the WebOffice UserManagement database when ArcGIS Enterprise is operated in the federated server scenario with SAML authentication
- 231300: General: Optimization so that a known limitation of the base technology (= only equation-based geographic transformations are supported) is performed by the WebOffice application server
- 231395: Core: URL call with “tool=IDENTIFY_MAPTIP” does not work if the call is sent to an existing WebOffice session
- 234582: Core: The tool “Clear Selection” should also remove the object overview
- 235579: Core: With “Multi Labeling”, only one object is labeled for overlapping objects with identical geometry
- 238496: Core: Error in WebOffice SOE printing if a SaveState contains a redlining that has not been completed
- 238727: Core: Texts rotated by the end user are shifted when the entire map is rotated
- 246094: General: The attributive filters “ALLOW_NOTHING” and “ALLOW_ALL” so far only work independently and not as part of a composite filter
- 246898: VertiGIS Printing: Generic function fields that can be changed by the user are not displayed in the print form
- 234025: Core: Construct via distance and line (Gon) does not work correctly when editing lines
- 242129: Core: WebOffice client incorrectly sends request in syntax of WebOffice SOE printing in case of VertiGIS Printing print request from search result
- 242232: Core: Restrictions via WebOffice layer filters sometimes do not affect the value list of predefined queries
- 245143: General: URL Call parameter “map_layers_visibility” does not work if the referenced layers are in a group of map services
- 245821: VertiGIS Printing: When exporting maps, redlining vertices are not displayed
- 185653: Core: Support for new custom tool “pub/custom_tools/Intersect_buffer.htm” for intersecting two buffer areas
- 242882: SynAdmin: Support for filtering the project list
- 173212: General: A maptip with Relate configuration causes an error in the log file in certain cases
- 202272: VertiGIS Printing: The selection graphic is not displayed in the correct position if the project is set up in WebMercator and the printing is done in a local projection
- 204762: Core: Symbolization defined in layer file is not applied correctly and leads to black symbols during thematic mapping
- 232277: Core: Problem with color selection in the “Draw/Measure” tool when the monitor has touchscreen functionality
- 237428: Core: When saving a project state, no warning for overwriting appears as soon as a space occurs in the project name
- 239132: VertiGIS Printing: Objects with an attributive filter by logged in user are missing from printing
- 240122: Core: If the attributive filter “ALLOW_NOTHING” is applied, it is still possible to search for filtered out layers in the TOC
- 241420: General: Unnecessary log message when no default value was configured on a layer filter with lookup configuration
- 242129: General: Correct error message in log file if WebOffice client mistakenly sends a print request in WebOffice SOE printing syntax instead of VertiGIS Printing
- 242334: General: On some WMS services the Identify operation causes an error
- 242702: Full text search: CPU usage reduction when searching on very large datasets in combination with an attributive UserManagement filter
- 242992: General: Meeting point symbols are not included on the printout if they have been configured using an absolute URL
- 243122: General: When calling WebOffice externally via URL call interface, characters excluded from security check will not be whitelisted and will be blocked accordingly
- 244808: General: Search on certain WFS services does not return any result hits
- 201205: General: Support to set layers visible or invisible via URL call interface layer in TOC at project start - see: “pub/”
- 200333: Core: Support for hectometry for the “Measure” tool
- 231768: Core: Support for VertiGIS FM icons after
renaming ProOffice - found at “pub/images/extapp/proOffice”
- 237069: VertiGIS Printing: Support for attribute table of objects selected in WebOffice
- 242432: VertiGIS Printing: Support for VertiGIS
Studio Printing Engine v1.5.0.203 - formerly named VertiGIS Printing
- 231368: Core: When playing videos, end users should be able to start the videos, even though the video buffer has not been filled completely yet
- 238992: Flex: In the maptip the layer name is sometimes not correct, if more than one object was found and all objects are from the same layer
- 241045: Core: Due to a regression in the course of 179936 no data of type Raster can be uploaded by means of the tool “Add data”
- 241616: VertiGIS Printing: Printouts are always archived although the corresponding parameter in the WebOffice project configuration is not activated
- 241560: General: Update of included certificates in include WebOffice truststore based on Oracle JDK as well as Eclipse Temurin
- 179936: Core: for thematic mapping, the order of default styles should be independent of geometry type
- 231368: Core: To avoid jumping to the beginning when playing high-resolution inspection videos, the video buffering has been increased
- 238385: General: On a printout, the dynamic legend is missing the legend elements with the “default” legend class as well as those legend elements which do not have valid images
- 235774: General: Support for configuring whether a group layer in the TOC should be expanded or collapsed at the beginning
- 238815: VertiGIS Printing: Support for VertiGIS Studio Printing Engine v1.5.0.162 - formerly named VertiGIS Printing Tools
- 192946: General: Optimisation of log message when editing is not possible on certain layers of a MapServer service
- 198847: MapWidget: Error in maptip if the “scale” parameter is missing in the “get_maptip” request
- 234046: General: When using WebOffice UserManagement WMS services containing special characters like “(” and “)” in the URL cannot be initialized
- 235309: General: As soon as the time parameter is activated on a layer in the main map service published via ArcGIS Pro, WebOffice will not start anymore
- 235530: General: In the core client based on the WebOffice API a call to the intermediary_broadcast.jsp in an existing wO session does not work correctly
- 235647: Core: The TOC is not displayed if a map view is erroneously duplicated in a user profile
- 231860: General: New sample custom page “pub/custom_pages/forward_sample_03.jsp” if a hash sign “#” is used in the base URL
- 198847: MapWidget: Error on maptip if layer identifier was not unique in wO project configuration
- 200590: General: “GroupHeader” parameter passed to WebOffice in URL can be UTF-8 encoded if there are problems with special characters
- 219883: Core: GEONIS Nettrace does not work with secured map services
- 233291: Core: Transparency does not work with labels from FeatureServer service
- 233962: Core: In GEONIS Nettrace too many objects are found when selecting a start point
- 234190: Core: Map view categories are shown twice in context menu
- 184857: Flex: Support for saving and loading project states
- 232830: SynService: Support for “Use fallback authentication type UM-DB?” in “Authentication Type Portalverbundprotokoll” to allow synchronization requests between WebOffice and VertiGIS FM application server in terms of M2M communication
- 185604: MapWidget: When opened, if an end user is not yet logged in to ArcGIS Enterprise, there is no redirect to enter credentials
- 197892: General: Error in log file when determining coordinate system
- 231705: MapWidget: Optimization when called with “&scale” parameter, if dedicated scales are used in the project
- 232581: Core: After importing a GeoJSON file, some texts are no longer displayed
- 232363: Core: Support for using any non-secured service types published on ArcGIS via the new “url” parameter in the ArcGIS WebScene Custom Tool, e.g. OpenStreetMap 3D Buildings
- 198847: MapWidget: Extended log messages in server-side log file when error occurs on maptip
- 201873: Core: No legend can be displayed for WMS services added by the end user by entering a URL
- 204052: Core: Preconfigured WMS service cannot be
included if the WMS URL was configured with a “?” at the end
- 213813: Core: BuildingExplorer in ArcGIS WebScene Custom Tool is not closed correctly
- 213940: General: Reloading resources from project A causes editing functionality to be unavailable in project B
- 231344: Core: Due to a regression by 213682 GPX files cannot be uploaded to me in some cases
- 231513: Core: The Weather widget in the ArcGIS WebScene Custom Tool does not have a tooltip
- 231704: MapWidget: Error message “Failed to execute ‘send’ on ‘XMLHttpRequest’” when including WebOffice map window in VertiGIS FM
- 231952: Core: ePaper templates cannot be accessed via ScriptAPI if generic function fields are configured
- 232371: UserManagement: For the “Self-Registration URL” or the “Reset Password URL” the language parameter may only be appended with “?” if no ID has been configured in the URL yet
- 232524: Flex: When navigating in a multi-result menu, the display does not update correctly and thus generates incorrect links for external applications
- 232853: Core: For manually rotated labels, the relative rotation to the map image should remain on the printout
- 232973: Core: At tool free labeling the label text cannot be placed if the main map service of a WebOffice project has a user defined coordinate system
- 233015: General: A restriction to a search extent configured at the geocoding service will be ignored when providing search suggestions
- 233092: Core: Eerror in the browser console when a previously added layer is removed from the TOC
- 232363: Core: Removal of the parameters “isLayer”, “isBuildingLayer” as well as “isIntegratedMashLayer” to distinguish if it is a WebScene or a Layer from the ArcGIS WebScene Custom Tool, because this is now taken care of by the underlying SDK
- 231706: General: Removing unused variables from landing page files
- 206789: UserManagement: Support for keyword “ALLOW_NOTHING” as well as “ALLOW_ALL” as attributive filter in WebOffice UserManagement; “ALLOW_NOTHING” causes that the group is not allowed to see, edit, delete etc.; “ALLOW_ALL” causes that the group is allowed to see, edit, delete etc. everything
- 202872: VertiGIS Printing: From ArcGIS FeatureServer Services labels are missing on printout
- 204455: General: Extension of the custom page “pub/custom_pages/integration.jsp” with a new configuration attribute “useAsPopup” to open the page as a pop-up instead of an iFrame
- 213682: Core: Uploaded geodata are not displayed in the correct position when using a custom transformation because the transformation parameter was not passed
- 222634: VertiGIS Printing: At print series the overview map is sometimes not correct in position
- 230814: MapWidget: Maptip ignores query filters and returns results for objects which should not be available
- 231603: Core: If a range slider is configured on a field with jsut coded value domains and a subtype is defined next to it for another field, then the range slider is incorrectly disabled
- 204665: General: Support for configuring whether a map service in the TOC should be expanded or collapsed at the beginning
- 186757: General: Change log level of log message regarding dimension layer to DEBUG
- 197931: General: Optimization “intermediary_broadcast.jsp”, so that an existing WebOffice session can also be accessed via HTTP POST
- 201511: Core: Transparency settings do not take effect for grouped FeatureServer services
- 202203: General: Certain WFS services require namespace and prefix also in filter
- 202784: Core: Optimization for inspection videos so that the HTML element is not changed when the video tag is used
- 202862: Core: Problem with ArcGIS WebScene custom tool if different transformation codes are stored in WebOffice project configuration at the tool “Find coordinates”
- 203377: Core: A GeoJSON file has to be imported twice in the Firefox browser
- 203916: Flex: Significant performance improvement when switching a map view when using WebOffice UserManagement
- 204272: Flex: Optimization when using edit field type “Value list unfilterable”
- 204555: Flex: Check of browser version does not work anymore
- 204569: General: Optimization of Spanish translation
- 205012: Core: From WMTS services which provide tiles using identical subdomains, in WebOffice client based on WebOffice API tiles are not retrieved
- 205073: General: Error retrieving object information on a WMS group layer
- 205143: Core: WMS services cannot be added using CSW catalog service
- 213799: Core: Range slider as single value stepper has problems with value 0
- 213891: General: Redlining objects are not included on an ePaper report
- 222364: Core: GeoProcessing tools should always open in a new ribbon with close button
- 222449: Core: The function “Reset all layers to default mapping” does not work
- All fixes have been tested on base of bug reports of our customers.
- Due the high complexity of this product we can’t avoid regressions for sure.