Cumulative Update for WebOffice 10.9
Build time: 20211115-1535
- This is an add-on patch for WebOffice 10.9. That means, WebOffice 10.9 is a minimum requirement and must be installed! This patch contains all fixes since WebOffice 10.9!
- Please inform your users to delete the browser cache according our guideline, before opening WebOffice the first time after applying an upgrade.
Installation of VertiGIS WebOffice 10.9 (min. build time: 20210615-1530)
Installation of VertiGIS WebOffice author standalone 10.9 SP1 - min. Build
Installation of VertiGIS WebOffice extensions 10.9 SP1 - Build 10.9.147
Installation of VertiGIS UserManagement Admin Web 10.911.0.0
Optional: Installation of VertiGIS Printing 1.1.2111.x - Build 1.1.2111.24 (ArcGIS 10.8.1 - ArcGIS 10.9) or Build 1.1.2111.23 (ArcGIS 10.6.1 - ArcGIS 10.8)
- Backup your entire WebOffice web-application (e.g.
C:\Tomcat\webapps\<WebOffice web-application>
) to a save place - Stop Apache Tomcat (Start/Programs/Administrative Tools/Services)
- Delete the working directory of Apache Tomcat at e.g.
C:\Tomcat\work\Catalina\localhost\<WebOffice web-application>
- Update “ArcGIS Server Object Extension for WebOffice” at least to:
- In ArcGIS Server Manager under “Services” choose to stop the Map Service “SynOutputService” (or all services, where “WebOffice Server Object Extension” is activated)
- In ArcGIS Server Manager under “Site/Extensions” choose to edit “WebOffice Server Object Extension” and select “
<Patch>\ArcGIS for Server Object Extension\syn_soe_ao_gateway.soe
” to upload- Don’t use uninstall and install the extension, because else you have to set the properties for “WebOffice Server Object Extension” again!
- Don’t use uninstall and install the extension, because else you have to set the properties for “WebOffice Server Object Extension” again!
- Copy the content of
- In ArcGIS Server Manager under “Services” choose to start the Map Service “SynOutputService” (or all services, where “WebOffice Server Object Extension” is activated)
- Copy WO109_patch_YYYYMMDD.exe to the directory of your WebOffice web-application (e.g.
C:\Tomcat\webapps\<WebOffice web-application>
) - Run WO109_patch_YYYYMMDD.exe and choose to overwrite all existing files
- Delete the file WO109_patch_YYYYMMDD.exe
- Start Apache Tomcat (Start/Programs/Administrative Tools/Services)
Changelog since WebOffice 10.9:
- 51605: General: Support to export graphic objects (redlining) to GeoJSON
- 51808: VertiGIS Printing: Support for print series with rotation
- 52157: Flex: Support for passing attribute data via URL call interface for display in client as well as for printout
- 52224: Flex: Support for tool “Draw”: Extension by various tools for drawing and setting geometries (point, line, area, circle) and objects (text)
- 52321: Core: Support for dynamic time specification for time sliders
- 51023: Core: Optimization, if a different route is selected when playing an inspection video, the correct video opens at a wrong position
- 52146: Core: Minor optimizations when uploading KML/KMZ
- 52235: SynMonitor: Project status “OK” is returned although there is a problem with a resource configured as mandatory available
- 52355: Core: Problem when coded value domains are present on an edit layer on an edit field and a range slider is configured on the same field
- 52358: Core: Optimization, when playing an inspection video, selecting a different route does not update the date
- 51247: General: Update of following external libraries used by WebOffice: PDF.js to v2.10.377 and jQuery UI to v1.13.0
- 51852: General: Preparing to upgrade to Dojo Toolkit 1.16.4
- 52277: General: Upgrade to ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.21 - in return, ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.19 was removed
- 52022: VertiGIS Printing: Support for generic function fields of type “Picture” - Important: requires VertiGIS Printing Tools 10.9 SP1
- 46944: Core: Various optimizations for the support to be able to configure for each field whether the field name should be displayed for the “Free Labeling” tool
- 50423: General: Optimize error handling for the UserManagement authentication type “PVP” if a user does not have a role after login
- 52024: VertiGIS Printing: Line breaks in UserManagement print profiles are ignored
- 52146: Core: Various optimizations when uploading KML/KMZ
- 52289: General: Configured scale limits on a WMS service are not displayed correctly in the TOC
- 52327: Core: In the “Add Images” tool, a “checkbox” type input field does not work correctly
- 52337: Map Widget: With the “LINK FIELD Tool” no callback is sent
- 52338: Core: When constructing, deleted vertices still exist
- 52340: Core: Error when trying to print a routing PDF
- 52344: Core: In GeoOffice Online Custom Tool, a justice query EZ no longer works
- 52351: Flex: Error when printing with SaveStates which are built according to a previous structure
- 52247: Core: Change the Mapillary API used by the Mapillary Custom Tool from v2 to v4 - Important: requires the creation of a new custom Mapillary Client Access Token!
- 46944: Core: Support to configure whether the field name should be displayed for each field in the “Free Labeling” tool
- 52259: General: Support to extend the aggregated groups of the authentication type “Portalverbundprotokoll” by those groups which are stored in the UserManagement database
- 52163: Core: URL call to WebOffice with multiple queries and one edit call does not zoom to search result
- 52254: Core: Optimization of stored URL in custom tool “GWR Integrator”
- 52293: Core: In VertiGIS Printing the print area is not correct for a serial print and a rotated map
- 52205: Flex: After a filtering query, objects are visible in the map image that should have been filtered away by the query
- 52237: General: A FeatureServer service is incorrectly visible in the map image, although it is correctly displayed as not visible in the TOC due to scale limits
- 52254: Core: Support for new version of custom tool “GWR Integrator” to connect to GeoOffice Integrator 2021
- 52240: General: When doing a filter/search in the TOC, map services are shown for which a user is not authorized
- 52256: General: Optimize logging if a FeatureServer service is incorrectly configured for the “Upload georeferenced photos” tool instead of an ArcMap based MapServer service
- 52292: General: Error when editing with lookups when a time slider is configured on the edit layer
- 51670: Core: Support for configuring a suffix per field in the “Free Labeling” tool
- 51962: Flex: Support for searching for m-values using URL call interface
- 52113: General: Support that layers can only be edited via APIs, i.e. SynService as well as Map Widget, but not via normal WebOffice clients
- 51933: General: WMTS services on which a range slider is configured to use the TIME parameter must be provided to the respective WebOffice client as local endpoint
- 52001: Flex: “Visible in toolbar?” parameter is not evaluated for custom tools
- 52002: Flex: Map view must not be changed after opening and closing the “Edit” tool via URL call interface during a WebOffice project start
- 52238: General: “Graceful degradation” for an unavailable WFS service so that it does not prevent a WebOffice project start
- 52239: Core: The button for extracting geodata should be locked analog to printing as soon as a request has been sent, so that the server cannot be blocked due to overload
- 52249: General: Identify requests against the ArcGIS Server should be sent with the parameter “returnUnformattedValues=true”, so that lookups are resolved correctly
- 52250: Core: After loading a saved project state, custom queries are not available for the uploaded data
- 52262: Flex: An “Integration of External Application” on a search resultview with display mode “iFrame” and window type “bottom left” cannot be closed
- 51030: General: Support to require acceptance of terms of use even when starting a project with username and password in the URL
- 51032: General: Support for configuring the last update date of the Terms of Use, including a mechanism to require end-users to agree to the Terms of Use again if this date is newer than the one in the UserManagement database
- 51834: Core: Support for configuring available cameras and selecting archive images for Inspection videos
- 52091: Flex: Support for mass attribution using selection and maptip
- 52113: General: Support that layers can only be edited via APIs, i.e. SynService and Map Widget, but not via the normal WebOffice clients
- 51339: Flex: Several optimizations and bug fixes for handling date fields for search and edit
- 51702: Flex: The tool “Extract data” does not show crosshairs in crosshair mode
- 52094: Core: The icon for submitting a search from the TOC should be an attribute table and not a magnifying glass
- 52162: Core: After entering an invalid filter condition in a search result view, scrolling is no longer possible
- 52178: Core: After deleting a saved project state, the list of available project states sometimes remains empty
- 52206: General: In the “Export Map” tool the order of the base maps is not correct
- 52228: General: Error when printing if the option “Secure PDF” was configured
- 52225: General: Update of deposited and recommended GEONIS Server version to GEONIS 2021.1 (=7.1.0)
- 50826: URL Call Interface: Support for new URL parameter “&geolocation=false” to disable tool “Geolocation” at project startup
- 51702: Flex: Support for tool “Extract data” (= WebOffice extract)
- 52094: General: Support to submit a query from the TOC (= ArcGIS Desktop function “Open attribute table”)
- 52198: General: Support to configure a target field on multiple reference layers when editing during topological object assignment
- 50852: General: Optimization of error message when a browser does not meet the minimum system requirements due to lack of WebGL support
- 51147: General: Optimization of log message when trying to perform an edit action on a configured edit field that is no longer present
- 51764: Flex: In the measurement tools, when selecting colors, the slider for transparency does not work correctly
- 51922: Core: After running a network trace, the map image is not automatically updated
- 52155: Flex: The button to close the color picker is not placed correctly
- 52167: Flex: In the “Measure Point” tool, the crosshairs are not displayed when the corresponding option has been activated
- 52174: General: Various performance optimizations regarding new features of WebOffice 10.9
- 52186: General: ArcGIS organization selection should be avoided if not absolutely necessary
- 52189: General: Optimization of log message if a layer that is no longer present has been configured as range slider
- 52199: General: Optimization External GUI Module Representing News so that this also works correctly in the Flex client
- 52148: General: Due to the implementation of recommended security measures in the course of #51520, the default path for all relatively included pages changes. Therefore, when upgrading, custom extensions may require configuration changes. The base path has moved up one level, so any links must have “../” removed
- 51702: Core: When exporting data via polygon, the first click into the map is ignored
- 52174: General: Performance problem in projects with extensive TOC after upgrade to WebOffice 10.9 due to a regression in the course of #51650
- 52178: Core: When using “X-PVP-GID” as primary key attribute, saved project states cannot be deleted
- 51747: Map Widget: Support for passing all visible objects in the map window - Prerequisite for implementing a map filter in ProOffice
- 51747: Map Widget: Support for passing all visible objects in the map window - Prerequisite for implementing a map filter in ProOffice
- 51085: Logging: The log message when trying to access a non-existent legend image of type PNG should also include the name of the layer
- 52072: General: Problem when editing if an attributive filter is configured on a field with subtypes in UserManagement
- 52114: Core: Further optimization regarding an error message when sorting a search result column with an external application
- 51085: Logging: The log message when trying to access a non-existent legend image of type PNG should contain the path and filename
- 51752: Logging: Optimization of the log message if the included map services have a difference in reference scale, labeling engine or rotation of the data frame when printing
- 52117: General: Eediting fails with an error regarding field length when using a lookup on a GUID field
- 52150: UserManagement: Fallback scenario does not work with UserManagement authentication type “NTLM”
- 52161: Core: Tool Select by Circle does not work due to regression by #51542
- 51542: Core: Optimization stability drawing tool
- 52137: General: Fix XSD documentation for parameter “Input format” which is displayed in WebOffice author standalone
- 52151: Core: Optimization of notification when trying to query multiple parcels in GeoOffice online custom tool during a justice query
- 52152: Core: Due to a regression by #52122 the checkboxes for visibilities in the TOC are no longer set correctly and the display of the dynamic legend in the TOC no longer works
- 51650: Core: Support for uploading files in KML/KMZ format - Implementation phase 1 (= Beta)
- 51858: Flex: Support for zooming to coordinates
- 52037: Map Widget: Support to include a map window in k5 Verfahren using Micosoft Edge WebView2 Control
- 51650: Core: Support for uploading files in KML/KMZ format - Implementation phase 1 (= Beta)
- 50282: Core: Optimization that when using “X-PVP-GID” as primary key attribute, all saved project states are available for loading
- 50748: Core: The tiles of a WMTS service should not be reloaded if the visibility of dynamic services is changed in the TOC
- 51085: Core: Certain legend images of the TOC cause an EOFException in the WebOffice log file
- 51192: General: In certain scenarios, an unnecessary map request leads to a loss of performance
- 51580: Core: Optimization of the log file so that the “requestAction” as well as “subaction” are additionally available for error analysis in case of unhandled errors
- 51801: Core: Optimization so that no additional object is created when editing a redlining text
- 51923: Core: Optimization if a map view is not configured to be visible in the list of map views when using the Network Trace tool
- 51952: General: Images in a GeoDB attachment from an ArcGIS Online FeatureServer service are not available
- 52005: Core: Error when trying to create an object while editing and an edit field of type “FILE_UPLOAD” is used
- 52055: Flex: Search result of Identify Custom Tool is overlapped by logo and imprint
- 52060: Core: In the “GeoOffice Online” tool, it must be prevented that multiple objects are queried at the same time during a “Justizabfrage EZ”
- 52062: Flex: When using the multiple map tip, only the first preview image is displayed at a time
- 52114: Core: Error message when sorting a search results column with an external application
- 52119: Flex: Error when editing an object if multiple edit fields of type File Upload are configured
- 52121: Flex: No further drawing possible if the button “Undo geometry change” undoes everything except the first drawn vertex
- 52122: Core: A group of map services with minimum or maximum scale remains grayed out in the TOC when switching to a visible scale level
- 52124: General: Error when WebOffice author standalone checks a WMS service
- 52127: Core: Maptip window is unnecessarily wide compared to previous versions
- 52134: Logging: If you reset the loglevel in SynAdmin statistic requests will be written to the normal WebOffice logfile
- 45837: General: Update of WebOffice managed certificate store to Oracle JDK 16.0.1 level and Adopt OpenKDK 16.0.1
- All fixes have been tested on base of bug reports of our customers.
- Due the high complexity of this product we can’t avoid regressions for sure.