WebOffice 10.8 Service Pack 1 - COMPLETE: ========================================= This package contains all updated components against WebOffice 10.8; means you have to install WebOffice 10.8 before applying Service Pack 1! CONTENT: 1. WebOffice108_Patch_20200929.zip: WebOffice 10.8 accumulative patch (build 2020-09-29), which contains all featurs and fixes of the WebOffice web application against WebOffice 10.8. 2. WebOffice extensions: Download URL for WebOffice extensions 10.8 SP1 - Build 24965 (ArcGIS 10.8.x) or Build 24967 (ArcGIS 10.7.x) or Build 24966 (ArcGIS 10.6.x) or Build 24963 (ArcGIS 10.5.x) or Build 24964 (ArcGIS 10.4.x) or Build 24962 (ArcGIS 10.3.x) or Build 24961 (ArcGIS 10.2.x): https://resources.weboffice.vertigis.com/Software 3. WebOffice_author_standalone_108_1_1_3.zip: WebOffice author Standalone (build 4. UserManagementAdminWeb_10.811.0.3.zip: VertiGIS UserManagement Admin Web 10.811.0.3 5. WebOffice_FTS-Index_8.6.0.7.zip: WebOffice FTS-Index 6. VertiGIS_Printing_1_0_0_Build_1_0_2009_86.zip: VertiGIS Printing 1.0.0 - Build: 1.0.2009.86 7. weboffice-migration_1_0_176.zip: WebOffice Migration Utility v.1.0.176 (2020-09-09) INSTALLATION and REQUIREMENTS: English: https://resources.weboffice.vertigis.com/Documentation/WebOffice108/EN/index.html?wo_upgrade_108_to_108sp1.htm German: https://resources.weboffice.vertigis.com/Documentation/WebOffice108/DE/index.html?wo_upgrade_108_to_108sp1.htm