Cumulative Update for WebOffice 10.7
Build time: 20191213-1353
- This is an add-on patch for WebOffice 10.7. That means, WebOffice 10.7 is a minimum requirement and must be installed! This patch contains all fixes since WebOffice 10.7!
- Please inform your users to delete the browser cache according our guideline, before opening WebOffice the first time after applying an upgrade.
Installation of SynerGIS WebOffice 10.7 (min. build time: 20190830-1245)
Installation of SynerGIS WebOffice author standalone 10.7 SP1 - min. Build
Installation of SynerGIS WebOffice extensions 10.7 SP1 - Build 21871 (ArcGIS 10.7.x) or Build 21870 (ArcGIS 10.6.x) or Build 21869 (ArcGIS 10.5.x) or Build 21868 (ArcGIS 10.4.x) or Build 21867 (ArcGIS 10.3.x) or Build 21866 (ArcGIS 10.2.x)
Installation of SynerGIS UserManagement Admin Web 10.711.0.0
- Backup your entire WebOffice web-application (e.g.
C:\Tomcat\webapps\<WebOffice web-application>
) to a save place - Stop Apache Tomcat (Start/Programs/Administrative Tools/Services)
- Delete the working directory of Apache Tomcat at e.g.
C:\Tomcat\work\Catalina\localhost\<WebOffice web-application>
- Update “ArcGIS Server Object Extension for WebOffice” at least to:
- In ArcGIS Server Manager under “Services” choose to stop the Map Service “SynOutputService” (or all services, where “SynerGIS Server Object Extension” is activated)
- In ArcGIS Server Manager under “Site/Extensions” choose to edit “SynerGIS Server Object Extension” and select “
<Patch>\ArcGIS for Server Object Extension\syn_soe_ao_gateway.soe
” to upload- Don’t use uninstall and install the extension, because else you have to set the properties for “SynerGIS Server Object Extension” again!
- Note: if using a current version of Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome for uploading the WebOffice SOE you should apply the ArcGIS Server Manager Upload Patch upfront, when running ArcGIS 10.3.1 or 10.4.1.
- Copy the content of
- In ArcGIS Server Manager under “Services” choose to start the Map Service “SynOutputService” (or all services, where “SynerGIS Server Object Extension” is activated)
- Copy WO107_patch_YYYYMMDD.exe to the directory of your WebOffice web-application (e.g.
C:\Tomcat\webapps\<WebOffice web-application>
) - Run WO107_patch_YYYYMMDD.exe and choose to overwrite all existing files
- Delete the file WO107_patch_YYYYMMDD.exe
- Start Apache Tomcat (Start/Programs/Administrative Tools/Services)
Changelog since WebOffice 10.7:
- 38270: General: Logging extension for an error in a vicinity search in a special customer scenario
- 48305: General: Optimization of error handling during Esri printing, when unsupported secured WMS services contribute to the map image
- 48649: Core: Error during transfer of previously buffered properties to GeoOffice Online
- 48713: UserManagement: Logon in authentication type LDAP not possible if password contains spaces
- 48753: Flex: Switching the Desktop GUI to the Small GUI causes the lock screen to be displayed because an expanded keyboard is not taken into account
- 48780: Core: Server-side Maptip error when WebOffice Client sends erroneous duplicate requests
- 48784: General: A filtering search does not filter the remaining objects from the map image
- 48788: UserManagement: In the PVP/SAML context no guest users work in the mobile client
- 31467: Administration: Support to check via SynMonitor if an existing session is registered to a specific user
- 33094: Core: Support for user-specific saving of print settings
- 47426: Flex: Support to dock and undock GUI modules and to open external calls directly from the multiple query result
- 48758: Core: Support to prevent map navigation via keyboard
- 48483: Landing Page: In the reverse proxy scenario, various contents are not retrieved correctly
- 48511: General: If you reload the UserManagement via SynAdmin, users logged in to WebOffice get an error instead of a corresponding notification message
- 48663: General: Tiles of locally tiled ArcGIS map services are incorrectly fetched via the WebOffice REST interface - this leads to a not inconsiderable loss of performance and unnecessary traffic
- 48671: General: Optimizes the notification message when a project configuration is updated by the WebOffice Administrator
- 48678: General: If a user is authorized for a lot of items in ArcGIS Online or Portal for ArcGIS, only a part of it can be used
- 48687: Flex: In reverse proxy scenario some language files are not loaded correctly
- 48721: Core: Error when editing when objects are copied from a FeatureServer service
- 48737: Flex: Layout problem in Internet Explorer 11 with a maptip when using Relates
- 48739: UserManagement: Attributive filters on tables are not applied, if the spelling between WebOffice project configuration and UserManagement-Database is case-sensitive
- 48740: General: Secured WMTS services are missing on printout or ePaper Report
- 48747: Map Widget: From the test container sub-parameters of deactivated tools are appended to the Map Widget URL
- 48748: Map Widget: A neighborhood search does not return the correct result compared to the Core client
- 48749: Map Widget: Optimization regarding parameter “&sendgeoloc=true”
- 48750: Core: If an external editing call is combined with a query, the map extent does not fit
- 48764: Core: Maptip error in combination with WebOffice layer filter
- 48765: Core: Error when editing when splitting objects
- 48199: General update to ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.13 (instead of 4.11)
- 48714: Statistics: For each request against a dynamic map service, a separate entry will be written in the WebOffice statistics file, which contains the name of the map service to enable a performance analysis for each map service - Important: There is still no comparability between WebOffice clients based on a different API (ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.x vs. WebOffice legacy API)!
- 46309: General: Support for configuration of up to 25 generic tools (= grouped as well as ungrouped) - up to now the limit was 10 generic tools
- 43785: Logging: The log level set via SynAdmin should be retained and not reset when the WebOffice application is reloaded via SynAdmin
- 47094: Core: The information for network trace should also be recorded by CoreSyn in a Redlining SaveState
- 48709: Core: Optimization of CycloMedia StreetSmart Integration in Web CODI
- 48720: Flex: A configured default print scale per print template is ignored
- 48689: Core: The label settings are not saved correctly in the user profile with the option “Visible Layers”
- 48611: Core: Date values in a nested structure are not resolved correctly within WebOffice layer filters
- 48656: General: Creation of a selection link via custom page “pub/custom_pages/extappResultExtCall.jsp” does not work correctly anymore
- 48592: General: The configuration of a GeoProcessing tool “Utilities/PrintingTools/GPServer” at the tool “Export Map” and “Routing” is mandatory in the future, so that the tool can be used in WebOffice clients based on the ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.x
- 48612: Core: Time slider is not available if the date value is returned with one decimal place for the date format YYYY
- 48699: Full text search: FTS index cannot be created on a layer if a WebOffice layer filter with a filter parameter on a date value is configured on the layer
- 48654: General: Remove request headers from all JSPs that do not need them unconditionally
- 48501: Map Widget: In the test container, deactivated tools in the project configuration should be displayed grayed out
- 48548: Core: Support for configuring which widgets should be initially opened in the ArcGIS WebScene Custom Tool
- 47094: Core: In a Redlining SaveState with network trace information, the Feature ID must not be included so that a SaveState continues to function even after a data change in the background
- 48307: Core: No selection graphic is available for a maptip on several layers (= Multimaptip)
- 48541: Landing Page: If you click on the contact tile, no mail program starts
- 48579: Flex: In mobile mode there is no button available to return to the object overview in case of a single hit
- 48622: Core: With the tool “Map Overlay” the map image is not updated during a scale change
- 48636: Core: No configured lookups available for editing
- 48594: General: Update to Oracle JDBC Driver 19c (19.3)
- 48201: Core: Support to copy several objects at the same time during the editing action “Copy from layer”
- 48203: Core: Support for subtypes in the editing action “Copy from layer”
- 48559: General: Support for full text search in a thematic group of layers - Important: If existing projects use the thematic full text search, the function “Check all projects” must be executed in WebOffice author standalone!
- 48145: General: Tiles cannot be retrieved from ArcGIS map services in a certain scenario due to a non-implemented pattern in the Esri Resource Proxy
- 48309: General: With the editing action “Merge”, the IDs of the deleted objects are no longer transferred to the integrated editing application
- 48545: Flex: Optimization of the size of the buttons for color changes for the tools “Measure area” and “Measure distance” should also be implemented for the tablet mode
- 48563: Mobile: For GPS measurements, no coordinates are transferred to the editing fields
- 48574: Core: No MultiPoint components can be added to the VectorDraw interface
- 48309: General: With the integrated editing application, the field identifier of the deleted values will be provided with the postfix "_delete" in future
- 48540: SynAdmin: Support to optionally make “get_project_status” requests requestable without password via configuration
- 47796: Map Widget: The “Maptip” tool deactivated in the WebOffice project configuration is available in the Map Widget
- 48429: Flex: The line “Back to object overview” should also be displayed in the small GUI and layout problem when switching between normal GUI and small GUI.
- 48467: Flex: The values 0 % and 100 % for the fill color are reversed for the “Measure area” tool
- 48480: Flex: On iOS the font color of the projected values in the “Find Coordinates” tool is too bright
- 48496: Flex: Optimize the arrangement of the scale display as well as the available width of the copyright text and prevent the copyright sign from being output twice
- 48512: Flex: A full text search cannot be sent with the Enter key
- 48516: Core: The extended tool palette of the drawing functions does not adapt to the selected drawing theme
- 48383: General: Tiled ArcGIS online map services whose layer structure does not correspond to reality cannot be used as an overview map
- 48428: Flex: The toolbar is no longer displayed after switching from landscape mode back to portrait mode
- 48450: Map Widget: When creating points, the screen is not locked during the processing of the request #### Changed
- 48110: General: By means of a project scheme change it should only be possible to select valid and correctly configured snap layers or snap profiles as “Default snap layer or profile”
- 46648: General: Support to prevent - until further notice - rerolling of map navigation in ArcGIS API for Javascript 4.x based WebOffice Clients via customizing
- 48421: Core: Support for new WebOffice Custom Tool “Profilservice Österreich” - see “pub/custom_tools/ProfilServiceAT”
- 48340: Core: Error during the editing action “Copy from” on a layer created with GeoProcessing, e.g. KMLtoLAYER
- 48385: General: Error at project start if a WebOffice layer filter is configured in a project and the WebOffice application is running with a WebOffice Basic license
- 48407: Core: Previously uploaded geodata is erroneously removed from the TOC when changing the map view
- 48423: Core: After a filtering search, no “Layer filter” tab is created in the left control center
- 47953: Core: Support for style configuration (= symbol type, size, angle, color, line width, outline color, outline line width, transparency) of start point and barrier for network trace
- 48420: General: Provision of all proOffice icons for external connections - see “pub/images/extapp/proOffice”
- 48406: Core: Coordinate handover using WGS 1984 to GeoOffice Online is not correct
- 48424: Flex: Optimization of the size of the buttons for color change for the tools “Measure area” and “Measure distance”
- 48430: Landing Page: No projects can be opened on devices with Android OS
- 48437: Flex: Problem in Internet Explorer 11 with external calls
- 48439: Flex: In Internet Explorer, custom tools are not placed correctly in the toolbar
- 47290: Flex: Problem with queries in reverse proxy scenario
- 48156: SynAdmin API: With “action=get_project_configurations” the timestamp of the last change per project configuration should be provided
- 48280: Core: Optimization for advanced custom tools and change button name “Select” to “Finish selection”
- 48300: Core: As soon as an ePaper report has been created via search results, no layer can be activated or deactivated in the TOC
- 48303: General: Error with Esri print if a configured WMS service is not available
- 48377: Core: Map extent between Google Maps Custom Tool and WebOffice is no longer synchronized when navigating in WebOffice
- 48401: ScriptAPI: Error in “TocNode.changeVisibility(argEvent, argState)” causes a deactivated node to become active if it is explicitly set to “false”
- 47094: Core: Support so that in the future a Redlining SaveState will contain the selected network, barriers and starting point of a network trace
- 47764: Core: Support for dimension parameter “Time” of WMTS services via range slider
- 47766: Flex: Support for displaying the location coordinates (= Geolocation) in a preconfigured projection taking into account the configured transformation
- 48204: Core: Support to be able to control the editing action “Delete” via a condition at “Edit Type defined by feature”
- 48205: Core: Support for sorting a value list when editing based on the numeric sorting of the Lookup ID field instead of the alphabetic sorting of the displayed description value
- 48191: Core: Problem when uploading local geodata if multiple SynOutputServices are configured differently in a WebOffice project
- 48290: Core: Error if previously uploaded local geodata is used as snap layer during editing
- 48302: Core: Optimizes zoom behavior when using tiled map services with different scale restrictions
- 48310: Core: Copyright text is not placed at the same height as the north arrow
- 48313: Core: Problem with multimaptip, if objects are found on layers with and without a configured relate
- 48356: Core: Overview map is not displayed in reverse proxy scenario
- 48258: Core: WebOffice layer filter takes effect when editing despite contrary configuration under “Filter settings”
- 48287: UserManagement: WebOffice layer restrictions are partly not applied
- 48299: HTML: Routing PDF not available
- 48139: Core: After updating to WebOffice 10.7 all editing fields are displayed as “Read-only”
- 48163: UserManagement: Full text search is only conditionally available on a layer with a WebOffice layer restriction
- 48221: UserManagement: Predefined searches with an access ID are not available
- 48249: Core: When editing, there is no highlighting of point objects in the vertex matrix
- 48256: UserManagement: Editing is partly not available if a user has different editing permissions on a layer by means of several groups
- 48257: Core: Various layout problems with the “Search coordinates” tool
- 34177: Mobile: Support for integrated editing application
- 47763: Core: Support for the additional condition operators GREATER_THAN, LESS_THAN, GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO and LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO when editing with “Edit type defined by feature”
- 48146: Core: Support for new custom tool “pub/custom_pages/pdfPage.jsp” to open a PDF directly with a specific page
- 48190: Core: Support of middle pressed mouse button for Pan
- 44009: Core: Scale limits which are configured in a layerfile are ignored when uploading local geodata
- 47725: Core: Error during the editing action “Create” on an editing layer with GPS attribute assignment
- 48039: Core: The statistics function is not available if the search result was created using buffer or neighbourhood search
- 48087: SynAdmin: On a map service published from ArcGIS Pro, the SynerGIS Request Guard Check leads to a timeout in the course of “Reload resources”
- 48088: Print: Tiled and secured ImageServer service as basemap are not included in the printout
- 48103: Full text search: Error when searching with “all entries”
- 48131: Core: Optimization of the ScriptAPI method “setGeometry()”, which is used within Custom Tools
- 48132: Core: A configured integrated editing application does not work correctly
- 48142: General: Because the naming of two Web CODI tools does not conform to the nomenclature, they are not displayed in the wO author standalone within the corresponding group
- 48165: Core: Free labeling tool does not work if there is more than one label configuration on a layer
- 48180: Flex: The configured value for the number of decimal places for measured values is ignored
- 48182: UserManagement: Layer restrictions are not applied correctly
- 48189: Flex: Optimization for “Google Maps Widget” Custom Tool
- 48109: General: Support for configuring a default mobile client - available options are “flex” and “mobile”
- 48056: FlexJS: Layout problem in Maptip/Popup with Internet Explorer 11 caused by very long field values
- 48102: FlexJS: Optimization of the starting routine for devices with Windows Phone OS which are not supported by the ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.x
- 48067: Core: Instead of a list of discrete scales, any scale can be selected
- 48066: Core: Initial map service switching of the TOC is not correct due to a timing problem in Internet Explorer 11 or Mozilla Firefox
- 48074: UserManagement: Configured layer restrictions are not evaluated because of upper/lower case problems with layer identifiers
- 48078: Core: Redlining texts cannot be rotated because the necessary context menu is not available
- 48074: UserManagement: Configured layer restrictions are not evaluated because of upper/lower case problems with layer identifiers
- 48077: Core: Using UserManagement buffering is not possible
- 45443: SynerGIS Printing Tools: Support for index printing
- 47339: Esri Print: When the print extent is rotated, meeting point symbols are not displayed correctly
- 47875: Core: When switching layers on and off in the TOC, an incorrect map image is briefly displayed in a certain constellation
- All fixes have been tested on base of bug reports of our customers.
- Due the high complexity of this product we can’t avoid regressions for sure.