SynerGIS WebOffice author 10.6 R2 (Build for ArcGIS
- Installation of ArcMap 10.7.1, 10.7, 10.6.1, 10.6, 10.5.1, 10.5, 10.4.1, 10.4, 10.3.1, 10.3, 10.2.2 or 10.2.1 on administrative Client
- Installation of SynerGIS WebOffice 10.6 R2 SP2
- Installation of min. Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.2
- Optional: min. SynerGIS UserManagement Admin Web 10.622.0.2
Changelog WebOffice author 10.6 R2 SP2+:
Changes Build (from 2019-07-15):
- 47624: Support for grouping attributes in generic edit mode
- 46839: Error when synchronizing base data into a PostgreSQL format UserManagement database
- 47420: Performance improvement when synchronizing base data into the UserManagement database
Changelog WebOffice author 10.6 R2 SP2:
Changes Build (of 28.03.2019):
- 46504: Update to GeoProject v10.622.0.2
Changelog WebOffice author 10.6 R2 SP1:
Changes Build (of 12.03.2019):
- 46606: Optimization of the normalization of WMS services if the end of the URL is “?” ==> affected URLs must be normalized again by the administrator
- 46650: Error if the WebOffice author incorrectly included “~~~~~” in the parameter values
Changes Build (of 22.01.2019):
- 46079: The password for the Java truststore cannot be entered in the WebOffice application configuration
- 46161: Support for synchronizing FeatureServer services to the WebOffice UserManagement-Database
Changes Build (of 19.12.2018):
- 46087: Error message “Unexpected error occured - Key already exists” when adding new nodes in WebOffice application configuration
Changes Build (of 30.11.2018):
- 45617: Support to synchronize GeoJSON as extract format to UserManagement database
- 45725: Update to GeoProject v10.621.0.0
- 45904: Error due to missing Bulgarian translation when adding a predefined ribbon set
Changelog WebOffice author 10.6 R2+:
Changes Build (of 01.10.2018):
- 45411: Optimization of error message if attributes are not available
Changes Build (of 10.09.2018):
- 44453: Error during synchronization with the user management database if some special ArcGIS MapServer services are used
- 45271: The error “Access to this resource is not allowed” occurs when assigning layers and tables
Changes Build (of 27.08.2018):
- 45091: Fix for taking over the current ArcMap layer settings as map view, if the names of the map views are not unique
Changes Build (of 22.08.2018):
- 45091: Logging optimization if the adoption of a map view using the WebOffice author toolbar fails
Changelog WebOffice author 10.6 R2:
- 44665: Update to GeoProject v10.620.0.0
- 44700: Transformation of WMS getMap URLs in new configuration schema of WebOffice 10.6 R2
Changelog WebOffice author 10.6+:
Changes Build (of 03.07.2018):
- 44619: Error prompt “WebAuthor.XmlGridMulti.RestoreOrigValues()” when calling child elements of map views
Changes Build (of 08.06.2018):
- 44490: Clicking the “User Manual” button opens the browser online user manual for version 10.5 instead of 10.6
Changes Build (of 04.05.2018):
- 44262: Optimization for previewing map services in the various wizards
Changes Build (of 12.04.2018):
- 44049: Year in copyright to be increased to 2018
- 44050: When upgrading to wO 10.6, a message appears under “Check all projects” that password cannot be converted
- 44060: Support for connections to an MSSQL database that require TLS 1.2
- 44075: Annotation sublayers should be excluded when correcting Layer IDs