Cumulative Update for WebOffice 10.6 ==================================== Build time: 27.01.2019 - 21:36 This is an add-on patch for WebOffice 10.6. That means, WebOffice 10.6 is a minimum requirement and must be installed! This patch contains all fixes since WebOffice 10.6! Please inform your users to delete the browser cache according our guideline, before opening WebOffice the first time: Requirements: ============= - Installation of SynerGIS WebOffice 10.6 (min. build time: 30.03.2018 - 12:15) - Installation of SynerGIS WebOffice author 10.6 - min. Build Download: Installation: ============= 1) Backup your entire WebOffice web-application (e.g. C:\Tomcat\webapps\) to a save place 2) Stop Apache Tomcat (Start/Programs/Administrative Tools/Services) 3) Delete the working directory of Apache Tomcat at e.g. C:\Tomcat\work\Catalina\localhost\ 4) Update "ArcGIS Server Object Extension for WebOffice" at least to: a) In ArcGIS Server Manager under "Services" choose to stop the Map Service "SynOutputService" (or all services, where "SynerGIS Server Object Extension" is activated) b) In ArcGIS Server Manager under "Site/Extensions" choose to edit "SynerGIS Server Object Extension" and select "\ArcGIS for Server Object Extension\syn_soe_ao_gateway.soe" to upload ==> Don't use uninstall and install the extension, because else you have to set the properties for "SynerGIS Server Object Extension" again! Note: if using a current version of Firefox or Google Chrome for uploading the WebOffice SOE you should apply the following ArcGIS Server patch upfront: c) Copy the content of "\WebOfficeSystem" to "\arcgisserver\directories\WebOfficeSystem" d) In ArcGIS Server Manager under "Services" choose to start the Map Service "SynOutputService" (or all services, where "SynerGIS Server Object Extension" is activated) 5) Copy WO106_patch_20190127.exe to the directory of your WebOffice web-application (e.g. C:\Tomcat\webapps\) 6) Run WO106_patch_20190127.exe and choose to overwrite all existing files 7) Delete the file WO106_patch_20190127.exe 8) Start Apache Tomcat (Start/Programs/Administrative Tools/Services) Changelog (from WebOffice 10.6 to 27.01.2019): ============================================== 34256: Core: Support for displaying legend elements of raster layer in TOC 39217: Core: Support to overwrite existing project states (SaveStates) 41275: ScriptAPI: Support for the "startTableEditing" function in the core client 42591: Core: Support for raster info on an (external) ArcGIS Server map service of type "MapServer" without WebOffice SOE 42600: General: Support for configuration, whether the language parameter should be appended or not when sending SaveStates or when creating bookmarks 42869: Core: For usability reasons the focus should be highlighted when it is on a query button 42890: Core: Support to display the height of the start and end point of a line of a 3D measurement result 42976: Core: The number of decimal places in the editing form for editing lines based on m-values should be reasonably limited 43104: Core: The "Free Labeling" tool does not offer the correct fields when a WebOffice Join is used 43302: Core: When opening a SaveState the rotation of rotated texts is not considered correctly 43304: Core: In a related table, the columns are reversed if a GUID field is used for the link 43315: Core: A warning should be logged that edit field type "File Upload" is not supported for multiple editing 43326: Core: Multiple labels are not aligned correctly when printed using a seamless index plot 43332: FlexJS: Layout optimization, if several external applications are configured on one search result 43355: Core: Support to display the current request to the end user for a more noticeable visualization of the current processes IN DEVELOPMENT - 43395: FlexJS: Support to configure whether tools should be opened with collapsed and expanded tool forms 43506: FlexJS: Problems with Esri Print when WMS services are used 43607: General: WMS services with file paths in the URL cannot be included if WebOffice UserManagement is active 43610: Core: For the editing action "EditByM", the min. and max. values should be written to the editing form 43620: Core: Support for entering negative values for the data types "long" and "short" when editing 43643: FlexJS: Support for Esri Print 43649: Core: When editing multiple objects, the "displayField" of the ArcGIS REST API should be used as object key when selecting multiple objects 43652: General: The memory consumption by WebOffice is significantly higher since WebOffice 10.5 compared to 10.4 and causes for example crashes when printing ==> IMPORTANT: requires an update of ArcGIS SOE for WebOffice! 43657: FlexJS: In the search form "Show all" should be suppressed if a value list consists of only one object 43669: UserManagement: Support for fallback authentication for the "PVP" user management type 43693: MapWidget: A "Busy Indicator" should be displayed until the first map image can be displayed 43723: WebOffice author: The new extract formats (DWG 2018, DXF 2018) cannot be configured 43745: Core: If you use the default value "{date}" for the editing action "Copy from layer", the field is filled with the date of the previous day 43779: General: Support for evaluating the WebOffice statistics files in the load balancer scenario via Synadmin 43787: Landing Page: Configured color settings do not apply to the login screen when a user's password has expired 43878: SynMonitor: Monitoring request must require valid authentication by user "batchadmin" and its password stored in the WebOffice application configuration - for this purpose the following values were added: NOT_FOUND, UNAUTHORIZED, FORBIDDEN, INITIALIZING to the response "FAILED" 43936: Core: It should be possible to use checkboxes for empty Featureclasses when editing 43981: FlexJS: The icons are missing in the online help when a skin is used 43984: WebOffice author: If you configure an invalid password for SynAdmin in the basic settings you will get a little meaningful error message 44006: Core/HTML: WebOffice layer filters based on coded value domains are no longer available due to regression 44022: Core: Performance optimization of the request behavior when a change is made in the TOC 44023: Core: In the "EditByM" editing action, the output object previously selected in the "CopyFromM" editing action is to be displayed automatically as the output object in the list after selecting the geometry 44026: Landing Page: Only project tiles of projects with one of the following statuses should be displayed: started, initialized, pending, unloaded; i.e. invalid projects will no longer be displayed 44031: Core: Optimization of necessary clicks in a hierarchical query with value lists 44035: FlexJS: Due to a bug in the ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.6 there are problems with touch events on iOS 44043: Core: Slow performance and warning message during vicinity search 44045: Core: Support for new custom tool "pub/custom_tools/EsriCedarChart.htm" to output diagrams using Esri Cedar Chart - 44046: Core: The editing form does not display the value of a domain (coded value domains) 44047: Core: Optimization of the German name for editing existing objects 44053: Core: The configured label style parameters for the "Free Labeling" tool are not applied correctly 44062: Mobile: Optimization of GPS connection in case of disconnections 44065: Core: When opening the Print tool, the print extent should be displayed directly if possible 44110: SynAdmin: The embedded page in the "Updates" tab still refers to WebOffice 10.5 44118: Core: Wrong values are displayed during clustering for over 1,000 objects 44120: UserManagement: Small optimization if WebOffice runs under Single Sign-on and a SynService request with user credentials is triggered in the fallback scenario 44128: Core/HTML: WebOffice layer filters without spaces around the comparison operator are no longer available due to regression 44134: Core: Layout problem in search result when scrolling horizontally in search result after width of control center is changed 44137: Core: Standard projection for printing is not used for the first project start 44141: Core: With high-resolution index printing with integrated WMS services, the extent to be displayed is truncated 44149: Core: Even for short inspection videos such as motorway ramps, the route should be divided into at least 100 vertices 44150: Core: Layout problem in the edit tool form, if only the edit action "Create" is configured 44153: Core: Multilingual default value is not correctly resolved at editing action "Copy from Layer" 44157: FlexJS: Layout and navigation problem with a high number of map views or bookmarks 44159: Core: Error when identifying with an integrated WMS service 44161: Mobile: Navigation problems with iOS 10.3 44162: FlexJS: If multiple objects are found at identify, only the last object will show a linked image (hyperlink) 44168: Core: Map overlay does not work in Mozilla Firefox 44170: Core: Support for rotation in the following WebOffice custom tools: ArcGIS WebScene, Google Earth Web and PlexMap 3D 44172: General: Unsuccessful SynMonitor requests should appear in the WebOffice statistics file 44175: FlexJS: In the info popup window the arrows for object selection are not displayed in the correct color, when using a skin 44191: FlexJS: The initial fill color of the "Measure Area" tool is always white in Internet Explorer 44204: Flex: In certain situations, FlexJS is opened instead of FlexFlash, although FlexFlash is configured 44215: Core: In free labeling, related fields are visible at output, although no relate is configured on the search result view 44223: General: Parameters configured in "\WEB-INF\web_user.xml" are not used 44226: General: Upgrade to "Microsoft JDBC Driver 6.4 for SQL Server" 44227: FlexJS: Configured maximum scale is ignored 44236: General: When printing, the "Current map view" function field should also output the value "" 44248: Core: WebOffice layer filter with operator AND leads to deactivation of the layer filter 44252: Core: Labeling for raster identify disappears after a Pan 44256: FlexJS: Meeting point symbols are missing on plots 44274: Core: When constructing a rectangle, the construct window shows wrong information about the area and the diagonals 44275: Core: After deleting vertices no plausibility check takes place during drawing whether the selected geometry type is still valid 44298: General: Support for configuring the axis orientation of WFS services 44314: Core: Support for new custom tool "pub/custom_tools/KPI_Number_of_Features.htm" to display the number of objects in the visible map extent 44322: Core: xPlanungs-Viewer is not displayed correctly when using special characters as well as integration of comprehensive logging information for debugging 44325: SynService: If no parameters for x, y and scale are specified in an editing request, the request runs in a timeout 44329: Core: If you press the "Backspace"-button in the Internet Explorer in the query form at a value list WebOffice website may not be closed 44333: General: WebOffice SOE requests fail in certain scenarios with an HTTP 500 error - INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR 44336: Landing Page: Generic tile with a UserManagement access ID is not displayed 44340: FlexJS: Support for scheduled map updates 44350: Core: An edit field of type Checkbox does not check whether the field has been filled in if it is required field 44354: Core: Optimization of "pub/custom_tools/draw.htm" for the WebOffice Core Client 44355: Core: Support for new configuration parameters "Layer Styles?" on WMS services to ignore non-OGC compliant layer style parameters 44368: FlexJS: The icon for the button "Show Raster Images" is not displayed correctly 44374: FlexJS: The button to display an image gets displayed even the parameter "Resolve hyperlink automatically" has been set to "Yes" 44376: MapWidget: The parameter "Show field names?" on external applications is not evaluated correctly for maptip 44379: General: A GET_ROUTE request should be logged in the WebOffice statistics file when a route is calculated 44383: Core: In a certain constellation Internet Explorer 11 displays cached map tiles only after a map interaction 44384: FlexJS: In a hierarchical query, the option "Show all" should always be displayed in the query form if there is no a mandatory field in one level and the following levels 44389: Landing Page: No HTML tags should be displayed in tooltips 44399: UserManagement: If an LDAP attribute is not configured correctly, all valid LDAP attributes should still be available 44426: Core: When using the ArcGIS WebScene Custom Tool, the 3D extent can optionally be visualized in the 2D WebOffice window 44429: Core: The correct value for "editaction" is not transferred to the integrated editing application using editing action "Delete" 44433: Core: Navigation in overview map no longer works 44456: Core: The "Nettrace" tool is missing in the online help 44476: FlexJS: No result is displayed after a vicinity search 44483: Mobile: Optimization if base maps but no map views are configured in a project 44502: Core: When configuring multiple metadata display modes, the displays do not behave as desired if no "HTML Target" has been configured 44520: Core: If a bookmark is saved, the "Save" symbol cannot be opened in the same browser session if UserManagement is active 44533: Core: Support for new custom tool "pub/custom_tools/GIPCommunicator.htm" to transfer the current map extent to the Austrian GIP Communicator - 44534: Core: The configured values are missing at the integrated editing application for the editing action "Delete" IN DEVELOPMENT - 44562: General: Workaround for ArcGIS Server Bug, when ArcGIS REST API returns descriptions instead of codes when using Coded Value Domains and an ArcGIS Join 44569: UserManagement: In a certain constellation project tiles are displayed on the landing page for which an end user has no permissions 44575: FlexJS: Layout problem with base maps and map views, which are integrated via the "preview" type 44576: FlexJS: The base map menu is faded out too fast with mouseover 44596: FlexJS: Error at project start if no content is available at the primary map service because all layer groups and layers are configured as not visible 44610: Core: Display a notification when opening the Buffer Tool if no objects are selected 44618: Core: In the custom tool for integrating ArcGIS web scenes not all buttons have a tooltip 44623: Core: WebOffice Lookups are not resolved for the editing action "CopyFromTemplate" 44630: Core: After editing no parameters are passed to the integrated editing action if a definition query is used for the editing layer 44633: FlexJS: The selection display for a vicinity search should be more visible 44634: FlexJS: After performing a vicinity search, no selection graphic is displayed if several objects were found 44635: FlexJS: If a vicinity search is performed after identify no result is output in certain cases 44636: UserManagement: If a layer restriction to an Annotation Layer is configured, all other Annotation Layers will no longer be displayed if the Annotation Sublayers have the same name 44647: Core: Problem editing with lookup tables and hierarchical edit fields 44655: Core: On a search result with WebOffice Join the join fields are missing after editing on the corresponding layer 44659: General: If an XY Event Table is used in the map document, reading the properties of this map document fails and parameters such as the reference scale are not used during printing 44662: Mobile: On closing the measurement tools, the snap function is not stopped and is also displayed incorrectly, e.g. in Custom Tools 44728: General: Error in the ArcGIS Server log file of the map service "SynOutputService" when using an ArcMap Join based on an MSSQL database 44735: Core: When opening an external application / hyperlink in the left pane via maptip there is no close button 44752: General: Problem when including elements from the "pub" folder if the name of the WebOffice application contains "pub" 44772: MapWidget: A hidden map view may not be offered in the tool for changing the map view if it is the default map view 44797: FlexJS: Due to regression no lines can be measured if no styles are configured 44800: FlexJS: The color of the object overview icon should be coupled to the CSS parameter "headerFontColor" 44827: Core: Error when starting the editing tool if the editing action "EditByM" or "CopyFromM" is configured as the default editing action 44846: UserManagement: Support for Access IDs on a search result that is restricted for the "Free Labeling" tool 44849: FlexJS: With grouped map views the map views are hidden too fast with mouseover 44906: Core: Due to a regression the integration of xPlanning documents does not work anymore 44933: Core: When editing a FeatureServer Service table, Short Integer type coded value domains are not resolved in the editing form 44940: Core: Error editing a date when using values between 08.12.1969 and 25.01.1970 44959: Core: In a certain constellation, the fields linked by WebOffice Join are not available in the "Free Labeling" tool 44961: Landing Page: The WebOffice client should be selected in the Mobile GUI via icons instead of a drop-down list 44971: Landing Page: If many tiles are available a horizontal scrollbar is missing 44976: UserManagement: Error with custom tools or external linkages on search results, if the user ID should be passed in the HTTP header (x-syn-login) 44983: Core: After opening ArcGIS WebScene Custom Tool a dynamic map service is no longer in the correct position to a tiled map service 44988: Core: The editing action "Copy From" now considers editing fields as compatible if the precision on the target field is "equal to" or "greater than" the precision on the source field; until now, only the same precision was supported ==> Now it is possible to transfer objects from an fGDB into an eGDB 44996: UserManagement: User-related attribute filter does not work if the combination of domain and user name contains "\R" 45015: Core: Empty map image executing an external query to WebOffice, which does not return a result 45019: HTML: Some custom tools are no longer available 45023: General: The contents of an external, secured ArcGIS Server map service are missing on a print 45027: Full Text Search: Due to a timing issue it can happen that incorrect search suggestions are offered 45045: UserManagement: Optimization for parameterized WebOffice layer filters when used in combination with LIKE and wildcard 45099: Core: Layout problem with selection tools when the selection mode is changed 45101: Core: Special measuring tools such as "Measure perpendicular" and "Measure angle" may not be updated using the list of existing objects 45114: MapWidget: In the tool for changing map views the selected map view is initially not highlighted 45121: Mobile: If an identical image is used as static legend image for each map view, there are display problems 45130: MapWidget: Maptip error if FlexJS was configured as default wO client in the wO project 45131: Mobile: Layout problem when displaying legends under iOS 45132: Mobile: Various optimizations for the "Coordinate Search" tool 45158: Full-text search: Optimization of log message if synonyms are not configured correctly 45203: Core: Fix for critical performance issue when using many map services with a large number of layers 45217: Mobile: Problem in the Phone GUI when opening and exiting the tool "Add Graphic" without choosing an appropriate option in between 45344: Mobile: Scrolling in a longer map view/base map list is difficult 45362: Full-text search: Support to deactivate phonetic harmonization centrally in the WebOffice application configuration - e.g. to increase performance 45382: Core: When zooming, a click on the map should center on the click point and not on the map center 45420: Core: Opening WebOffice with an URL filter displays all objects for a short moment 45437: Core: It is not possible to save a Querybuilder query based on a table 45494: General: Problem, if several keyvalue parameters have the same value for an external call to WebOffice 45592: Landing Page: Problem with horizontal scrolling with pressed left mouse button 45719: Core: The length unit for the radius when drawing a circle is initially "km" instead of "m" 45952: Mobile: No e-mails can be sent under iOS 12 46070: General: A vicinity search does not return the same result as a buffer analysis for the same parameters 46119: Mobile: Static custom tools do not close correctly and may affect other tools 46287: Core: Error at printing when a redlining polygon is included IMPORTANT: All fixes have been tested on base of bug reports of our customers. Due the high complexity of this product we can't avoid regressions for sure.