WebOffice 10.2 Service Pack 1 - COMPLETE: ========================================== This package contains all updated components against WebOffice 10.2; means you have to install WebOffice 10.2 before applying Service Pack 1! CONTENT: 1. \WebOffice Web Application\WebOffice102_Patch_20140430.zip: WebOffice 10.2 accumulative patch (build 30.04.2014), which contains all featurs and fixes of the WebOffice web application against WebOffice 10.2. 2. \WebOffice extensions: Download URL for WebOffice extensions 10.2 SP1 (build 7215) for ArcGIS Server 10.2.x 3. \WebOffice author: SynerGIS WebOffice author 10.2 SP1 (build for ArcGIS Server 10.2.x 4. \UserManagement Admin Web\UserManagmentAdminWeb_1021001.zip: SynerGIS UserManagement Admin Web 5. \WebOffice Migration Utility INSTALLATION and REQUIREMENTS: See Readme-File, which is part of WebOffice102_Patch_20140430.zip