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Copyright Information


All text, graphics, design and other works are copyrighted works of VertiGIS GmbH. All Rights Reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system, except as expressly permitted in writing by VertiGIS GmbH.



German Version (2008-2022):

Alle Rechte an unserer Software und unseren Daten (unabhängig vom Speichermedium) liegen ausschließlich bei der VertiGIS GmbH (Österreich).


1.Bei Lieferung der Software und Daten räumen wir dem Kunden die ausschließliche und nicht übertragbare Befugnis ein, die Software und Daten auf einem Rechner des Kunden zu nutzen.

2.Jede Kopie der Software und Daten, die nicht zum bestimmungsgemäßen Gebrauch im lizenzierten Umfang technisch benötigt wird, ist untersagt. Der Kunde ist berechtigt, ausschließlich zu Sicherheitszwecken eine Kopie zu erstellen.

3.Es ist untersagt, die Software und Daten sowie die zugehörigen Dokumentationen zu vervielfältigen, zu vertreiben, zu vermieten, Dritten Unterlizenzen hieran einzuräumen oder diese in anderer Weise Dritten zur Verfügung zu stellen, soweit hierzu keine schriftliche Genehmigung der VertiGIS GmbH (Österreich) vorliegt.

4.Ebenso ist es untersagt, die Software und Daten sowie die dazugehörigen Dokumentationen oder Teile hiervon zu verändern, zu modifizieren, anzupassen oder in jeglicher Form zurück zu entschlüsseln, soweit es jeweils über die Grenzen der §§ 69d Abs. 3 und 69e UrhG hinausgeht.



End Customer Licence Agreement (Status Date 04/2020)



Whereas the end customer ('Licensee') has acquired GeoOffice / WebOffice products ('Software') developed by the Licensor from VertiGIS GmbH ('Licensor') or a third party ('Distributor') under a separate contract. Now, therefore, the Licensee intends to acquire rights to use the Software by means of the present Licence Agreement.


1.Subject matter of the Agreement

The subject matter of this End Customer Licence shall be the desktop applications (GeoOffice products) and/or web applications (WebOffice) defined in the relevant purchase contract.

1.1        The Licensor shall grant the Licensee the rights described in this Agreement for the Software stated in Clause 1 and the Licensee accepts such rights and related duties.


2.Granting of rights

2.1        The Licensor shall grant the Licensee a "Single-Use Licence", a "Multi-Use Licence" or a "Server Licence" for the Software stated in Clause 1 as specified in the purchase contract or invoice:

2.1.1        "Single-Use Licences"

If the Licensor has granted the Licensee a "Single-Use Licence", the Licensee is authorised to use the Software only on one workstation at a time. "Single-Use Licences" shall not expire automatically; they are granted for an indefinite period of time and will be in force throughout the term of this End Customer Licence Agreement.

2.1.2        "Multi-Use Licences"

If the Licensor has granted the Licensee a "Multi-Use Licence", the Licensee is authorised to use the Software simultaneously on the number of workstations that is equal to the number of licences acquired according to the purchase contract or the invoice. Even though the Licensee is authorised to install the Software on several workstations, the Software may only be operated on the above-mentioned number of workstations at a time. "Multi-Use Licences" shall not expire automatically; they are granted for an indefinite period of time and will be in force throughout the term of this End Customer Licence Agreement.

2.1.3        "Server Licences"

If the Licensor has granted the Licensee a Server Licence, the Licensee shall be authorised to operate the Software only on one server at a time. The server must fulfil the criteria defined in the licence and be in line with the server cores licensed under the purchase contract. That means that the number of cores available on the computer (physical computer cores or computer cores logically allocated in a virtual system) must not exceed the number of licensed cores. For VertiGIS WebOffice the licensing is bound to the ArcGIS licensing model. "Server Licences" shall not expire automatically; they are granted for an indefinite period of time and will be in force throughout the term of this End Customer Licence Agreement.        If WebOffice is installed in a distributed environment (i.e. the WebOffice Application Server and ArcGIS Server are installed on different machines), the number of licensed cores subject to WebOffice shall be equal to the number of licensed ArcGIS Server cores empowering WebOffice. The distinction, if anArcGIS Server empowers WebOffice or not is done by the presence of the WebOffice Server Object Extension on the respective ArcGIS Server Site.

2.1.4        Hotstandby or Failover Systems

Licensee may run passive failover instances of License management software in a separate operating system environment for temporary failover support. Licensee may have redundant software installation(s) for failover operations, but the redundant software can only be operational during the period the primary site is nonoperational. The redundant software installation(s) shall remain dormant except for system maintenance and updating of databases, while the primary site or any other redundant site is operational.

2.2        The Software shall be provided in machine code. The Licensee shall not be entitled to be given the source code. Furthermore, the Licensee shall neither be authorised to edit, modify, reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the Software nor to find out the source code in any other way unless he is permitted to do so by mandatory statutory provisions.

2.3        Without the Licensor's written consent the Licensee shall not be entitled to transfer rights under this Licence Agreement to third parties in whole or in part; in particular, he shall not grant sub licences. The Licensee shall not be entitled to pass on the Software himself.

2.4        Any use of the Software beyond the rights granted shall be subject to the Licensor's prior written approval.


3.Maintenance and updates

3.1        The Licensor assumes no obligation whatsoever to maintain or update Software sold under a licence as defined in paragraphs 2.1.1, 2.1.2 or 2.1.3.

3.2        If the Licensee wants the Licensor to maintain and update the Software, he shall expressly purchase the related maintenance services under a maintenance agreement to be concluded separately, which services shall be charged separately.



4.1        The Licensor warrants to the Licensee that under the conditions of operation specified by the Licensor the Software developed by it will have the material functionalities and features expressly stated by the Licensor on its website or in product specifications prepared by it. Any additional warranty, including but not limited to warranty for absence of defects or for enabling uninterrupted operation, shall be excluded.

4.2        If Software defects can be repaired by updating the Software to a new version, the Licensor shall be entitled to offer the Licensee the more recent version of the Software instead of repairing the defect of the original Software version. If the Licensee does not accept that offer, the Licensor shall be fully released from its obligation to maintain the old version.

4.3        If the Licensee has acquired a right to maintenance services, warranty shall be in accordance with the warranty provisions agreed in the maintenance agreement.

4.4        The Licensor assumes no warranty whatsoever for any data used with the Software, including but not limited to for completeness, up-to-dateness or correct display of data.

4.5        The warranty period shall be six months from purchase of the Software. The Licensor shall exclusively be entitled to choose the type of remedy under warranty.



5.1        The Licensee's claims for damages vis-à-vis the Licensor shall be limited to the actual purchase price paid.

5.2        Liability for slight negligence shall be excluded.

5.3        The Licensor shall not be liable for lost profit, indirect damage, consequential damage, consequential damage caused by defects or purely pecuniary damage.


6.Term of agreement and termination

6.1        "Single-Use Licences", "Multi-Use Licences" and "Server Licences" are granted for an indefinite period of time and will be effective throughout the term of this End Customer Licence Agreement.

6.2        The Licensor waives its right of termination by notice with respect to licences that have been granted for an indefinite period of time. Accordingly, the Licensor shall be entitled to terminate licences granted for indefinite or definite terms only for cause and then it shall do so in writing with immediate effect.

Cause shall include but not be limited to a situation where:

(1)        insolvency proceedings are opened over the assets of a party or opening of bankruptcy proceedings is denied for lack of assets to cover the costs; or

(2)        if a party has violated material provisions (including but not limited to the licence terms in Clause (2) of this Agreement and fails to eliminate the condition that is in breach of the contract within thirty (30) days of a written warning.

6.3        In the event of termination the Licensee shall immediately stop using the Software and delete the Software from all memories without delay.


7.Final provisions

7.1        This Agreement shall be governed by Austrian law and UN Sales Law and the international conflict of laws rules shall be excluded. The place of jurisdiction for all disputes arising out of or in connection with this Agreement shall be the court having jurisdiction over commercial matters and over Vienna's First District.

7.2        Modifications of or amendments to this Agreement shall be made in writing. This shall also apply to an abolishment of the requirement of written form.

7.3        This document contains all agreements between the parties with regard to the granting of Software licences. No side agreements exist.

7.4        Nullity or ineffectiveness of any provisions of this Agreement shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions. Instead of the ineffective contractual provision or to close a gap a reasonable regulation shall apply, which, to the extent permitted by law, shall come as close as possible to the parties' will.

7.5        Any fees arising in connection with this Agreement shall be borne by the Licensee. The costs of legal advice shall be borne by the parties themselves.