The Static Custom Tool can be used to call an external URL address. This tool automatically opens the specified URL in a specific window (popup, IFrame).



This tool is also available in the %MOBILE% client.


Konfiguration - Applikation mit statischem Hyperlink

Konfiguration - Applikation mit statischem Hyperlink



Application name

Name or label of the application (displayed in user interface in the search results page).

URL to call

Full URL to the page to be displayed

Pass user ID (x-syn-login)?

Specifies whether the user ID of the user logged in %BUILD% should be passed in the HTTP header.


If a user context is passed to an external application, it will be readdressed. (URL changes from http://extserver/extpage.htm?... to http://webofficeserver/webofficeapplication/synredirect?..) All paths used in the external application must then be absolute paths!

Pass user ID (Base 64)?

Specifies whether the user ID of the user logged in to WebOffice should be passed in the HTTP Authorization header - Base64 encoded, Basic Authentication.


If a user context is passed to an external application, it will be readdressed. (URL changes from http://extserver/extpage.htm?... to http://webofficeserver/webofficeapplication/synredirect?..) All paths used in the external application must then be absolute paths!

Popup window width

When using popup windows to display external content, the size of the popup window can be configured.

Popup window height

When using popup windows for displaying external content, the size of the popup window can be configured.

Provide buttons?

Defines whether the external application can be accessed via a button ('Yes') or via a hyperlink ('No') in the user interface.

If buttons are used, 5 different default icons are available in the application. Any other icon can be configured. The setting has no effect on applications with static hyperlink.

Icon for application call

In WebOffice ten different templates are available in the pub/images directory (extapp_01.gif to extapp_10.gif). All icons must have the size 16x16 pixels.

Icon for application call (mobile)

In WebOffice ten different templates are available as examples in the directory pub/images/mobile (extapp_01.png to extapp_10.png).

Icon for application call (flex)

In WebOffice there are different templates available as examples in the directory pub/images/flexjs.

Authorization identifier

Authorization identifier needed for access control in %USERMANAGEMENT%.

If an identifier is stored in this attribute (e.g. MY_CUSTOM_TOOL) and the %USERMANAGEMENT% is used, then it is checked whether the user role has the corresponding application right (according to the example MY_CUSTOM_TOOL). If this is not the case, the button/link and thus the access to the external application from WebOffice will not be allowed.

Pass client parameter?

Specifies if the client parameter should be appended to the end of the URL. This can be used for pages that can customize their styles based on the passed client parameter.

Pass language used by user as parameter?

Specifies whether the language parameter should be appended to the end of the URL. This can be used for pages that can customize their language by passing the language parameter.



Call URL


Defines whether the snap function should be provided in the tool form ('Yes') or not ('No'). (desktop only, only for lines + polygon tool type)


A display mode for the Static Custom Tool can be configured as a sub-node. Select IFrame if you want a window to be displayed inside the %BUILD% client, or Pop Up for a new browser window. Depending on the selected mode, you can choose either a window type (IFrame) or window options (Pop Up).


Konfiguration Anzeigemodus IFrame

Konfiguration Anzeigemodus IFrame




HTML target

Defines the identifier of the HTML target. This makes it possible to display different paired applications alternately in a single browser window, or to display each paired application in its own pane, so that several different application windows can be displayed simultaneously.

Window type

The window type for displaying paired applications can be either floating or docked.

Eigenschaften Anzeigemodus IFrame