UT Server - Object Manager

ArcFM UT Server Object Manager Tool.


Configuration - UT Server Object Manager

Configuration - UT Server Object Manager




URL/DIV ID of external page

Full URL of external web page/application.

If a value starting with javascript: is configured, an ID of a HTML DIV element can be used instead of an endpoint URL. Contents of the page will be provided by a DIV container instead of an IFrame. For example, use javascript:myDiv for being able to use a Custom Tool that you can access programmatically (JavaScript) using the HTML DIV with ID=myDIV.

JavaScript function

JavaScript function of external web page/application called by WebOffice 10.9 R4.

e.g. ProcessWebOfficeCall(objKeys[],geom[][]).

Pass mode

Pass mode

HTTP: Pass coordinates and/or object keys from WebOffice 10.9 R4 to the external web page via HTTP (parameters are added in the query string of the HTTP request)


The custom tool form needs a target window (e.g. hidden iframe) called weboffice_tool_target. Parameters are sent to the configured URL of external page for passing parameters using the target weboffice_tool_target.

JavaScript: Pass coordinates and/or object keys from WebOffice 10.9 R4 to the external web page calling a JavaScript function of the configured web page


The custom tool form needs to be accessible by javascript from inside the WebOffice 10.9 R4 application window, therefore the tool form has to run inside the same HTTP domain. Parameters are sent to the javascript function of the custom tool configured in JavaScript function.

JavaScript callback on close

JavaScript method called before closing the tool

Use HTTP Get?

Pass parameters to external application via HTTP Get (or HTTP Post).


These settings are only relevant if the pass mode HTTP is active.

URL of external page for passing parameters

Full URL of external web page/application used for passing parameters (Pass mode HTTP).

Pass user context (x-syn-login header field)?

Specifies if the user context of the user logged on to WebOffice 10.9 R4 will get passed in the HTTP header.

Pass user context (base 64 Authorization header field)?

Specifies if the user context of the user logged on to WebOffice 10.9 R4 will get passed in the HTTP header Authorization, using base64 encoding, basic authentication.

Visible in Client?

Specifies, in which clients the custom tool should be used (All clients, desktop and flex clients, desktop clients only, flex clients only or mobile clients only)


The WebOffice mobile client only supports the Static Custom Tool, Simple Custom Tool (mode: click point) and Advanced Custom Tool (mode: click point).

Use tool?

Specifies whether this tool is available in the WebOffice 10.9 R4 clients (true) or not (false).

Properties - UT Server Object Manager