Geodatabase Archiving

Use the configuration element Geodatabase Archiving whenever you are using archived tables within a WebOffice 10.9 R4 project. This setting helps to filter out archived records which would otherwise be visible in search results of queries or related tables.


Geodatabase Archiving configuration

Geodatabase Archiving configuration




Is registered as archived?

Set this attribute on true if the Esri archiving mechanism is activated for the table.


Find more information about Esri Archiving in ArcGIS Ressources: Geodatabase archiving.

Name of the GDB_TO_DATE Column

Set this Value only if the name of the default GDB_TO_DATE Column has been changed.

This setting is only necessary if the Is registered as archived? flag has been set to true and if the name of the GDB_TO_DATE column has been changed.

Geodatabase Archiving properties