Configuration tree and configuration form

Wherever you open the project configuration in a particular area, the WebOffice author standalone

The configuration tree on the left side to display the position of the configuration element within the WebOffice 10.9 R4 project configuration

The configuration form on the right-hand side, which contains details about the selected configuration element..



It is possible to adjust the dividing line for enlarging or reducing the respective area of the configuration tree or the configuration form by moving it by clicking with the left mouse button.


Configuration elements can be selected by clicking the left mouse button. By pressing the CTRL button it is possible to select multiple elements. Additionally the configuration elements can be moved within the same hierarchical level by drag & drop to change the order of result fields, edit fields, etc.



The Cut, Copy and Paste operations also work with multiple objects.


Configuration tree on the left side, configuration form on the right side.

Configuration tree on the left side, configuration form on the right side.


The configuration form allows three different input options

Text input

Value list (Mostly used for Boolean parameters to set Yes or No)

language-specific text input
Language-specific parameters can be set using the woas_genericmode_arrow symbol on the left side of the field. WebOffice author standalone displays the specific project language in the configuration form. To define values in another language, click the woas_genericmode_arrow symbol.


Display of language-specific parameters in WebOffice author standalone

Display of language-specific parameters in WebOffice author standalone


Context Menu Configuration Tree

Each node of the configuration tree offers the possibility to display a context menu by activating it with the right mouse button. The following table contains a detailed description of the individual context menus.


Context menu of the configuration tree

Context menu of the configuration tree


Context menu entry



Opens a submenu where the user can choose from all configuration elements available as subelements of the currently selected element.


Removes the currently selected configuration element including all subnodes (subelements).


Deleting a configuration element can cause a validation error if there are dependencies between other elements.

Reset values

Resets all defined values of the node to the default settings. Sub-elements are not affected.


Extends the configuration subtree to the full configuration view of the selected configuration element.


The support to extend the nodes within the same hierarchical area is provided by pressing the CTRL button on the wa_stack_edit_config4 Symbol of a node ensures


Reduce the expanded configuration subtree of the selected configuration element.


The support for reducing (collapsing) nodes within the same hierarchical area is provided by pressing the CTRL button on the wa_stack_edit_config5 Symbol of a node ensures


Cuts the currently selected configuration element from the project configuration. You can insert this cut configuration element at another location, even in another project. This makes it easy to move parts of a project configuration from one project to another.


The use of the shortcut CTRL + X is also possible.


Copies the currently selected configuration element from the project configuration. You can paste this copied configuration element to another location.


The use of the shortcut CTRL + C is also possible.

Copy (for other configuration)

Copy the currently selected configuration element from the project configuration to insert it into another project configuration.


Technically, this type of copying differs from the Copy function in that references to other elements are not copied. This could cause problems in other project configurations.


Pastes the copied or cut configuration element into the project configuration. You can paste the copied or cut configuration item to another location, even in another project. This makes it easy to paste parts of a project configuration from one project to another.


You can only paste copied configuration elements into a node, which allows to save the specific type of the configuration element (e.g. it is not possible to copy a map layer into the map collection).

The use of the shortcut CTRL + V is also possible.

Full up

Moves the currently selected configuration element to the first or top position in the list of elements.


You can also use the shortcut CTRL + Q.


Moves the currently selected configuration element one position up in the list of elements.


You can also use the shortcut CTRL + A.


Moves the currently selected configuration element one position down in the list of elements.


The use of the shortcut CTRL + S is also possible.

All the way down

Moves the currently selected configuration element to the last or lowest position in the list of elements.


The use of the shortcut CTRL + Y is also possible.


Configuration documentation

WebOffice author standalone provides detailed documentation for

the currently selected configuration element

the editing configuration attributes (parameters)



It is possible to adjust the height of the documentation area by moving the separator between the end of the configuration tree menu and the beginning of the documentation area with the left mouse button. By clicking the mouse pointer changes its appearance and the height can be changed by moving it.


configuration documentation - left: Configuration item, right: Configuration attribute

configuration documentation - left: Configuration item, right: Configuration attribute


Support when copying project parts

The Copy function allows you to copy project parts of the configuration tree and paste them elsewhere at WebOffice author standalone. It is possible to copy project parts from one project to another without validation errors. WebOffice author saves (similar to Microsoft Windows Explorer) the state of the configuration items.

With it possible standard or template project configuration (e.g. frequently used layer configuration  such as property search, etc.) can be created.) and copied into the corresponding configuration by this function, which considerably reduces the setup effort of WebOffice 10.9 R4 projects.

Drag & Drop

The WebOffice author standalone supports the use of drag & drop functionality. This function allows you to easily move configuration elements by holding down the left mouse button. This allows you to easily customize the arrangement of individual nodes.

support for multiple selections

The WebOffice author standalone supports the selection of multiple configuration elements. To select multiple nodes, the user can select them using either CTRL + left mouse button or SHIFT + left mouse button. Multiple selection can be used when using Drag&Drop actions or multiple editing to effectively edit node elements in the generic edit mode of the WebOffice author standalone.  

Support for multiple edits

The WebOffice author standalone supports simultaneous editing of multiple configuration elements. Multiple editing, for example, allows the user to edit multiple print templates at once. An example of multiple editing would be assigning scales to multiple print templates. This allows the user to effectively modify and edit multiple node elements in a single step. This simplifies the administration effort for larger projects considerably.

To be able to use multiple editing in WebOffice author standalone, several nodes must be selected in the configuration. This can be done by the multiple selection described above. After selecting several nodes, the settings for all configuration elements can be changed simultaneously. Different settings are marked with ~~~~ in the parameter field. Identical settings of the selected nodes are indicated by the parameter as usual.



It is also possible to change unequal settings, but then the previous different settings of the selected layers will be lost.


Multiple Editing in Generic Editing Mode (Free Editing)

Multiple Editing in Generic Editing Mode (Free Editing)


Support for filters

WebOffice author standalone supports comfortable filtering of the main configuration nodes in the project configuration. After using the filter, only the configuration nodes corresponding to the filter criterion are displayed.


Search criterion 'Points' for filtering searches/queries on layers

Search criterion 'Points' for filtering searches/queries on layers


Nodes that can be added using New can also be restricted using filters:


Filter for adding nodes

Filter for adding nodes


Support for editing multiple projects

The WebOffice author standalone offers the possibility to edit two or more projects together to make adjustments in all selected projects simultaneously with just a few clicks. How to enter the editing mode for multiple projects is described in chapter Open Project.


When opening the mode for common editing, only nodes are displayed in the Entire project configuration which occur in all projects. Nodes that do not occur in at least one project are not available. Editing via the other buttons is also not possible, but only via the Entire project configuration button. However, all functions of the other buttons are possible within this structure.


The editing mode for several projects makes it possible:

Change existing attributes or references for all projects together

To standardize different attribute values or references

Save changes only in some of the opened projects

Single projects can be opened individually directly from the common editing


There are currently still restrictions on editing individual projects:

Nodes cannot be moved up or down

It is not possible to create new nodes

Editing is only done via the Entire project configuration button, not via the other buttons



Common editing of a reference to a map service that is present in all projects



Unification of an attribute that previously had different values in the individual projects  (~~~~)