In this configuration element you can define a Blank Basemap View.


Configuration - Blank Basemap View

Configuration - Blank Basemap View





Name of Basemap in WebOffice Client


Information for the basemap in WebOffice mobile client

Metadata URL

Configure a reference to a meta data document (htm, html, pdf, jpg, etc.) as a URL.

The document must be available via HTTP, but may be given as a local (e.g. pub/images/logo_vertigis.gif) or a global (e.g. address.

You may configure the unique Meta data document identifier (UUID) of a Catalog Service (CSW 2.0) here. For this you must configure the SOAP interface of the Catalog Services using Metadata display'

Metadata short description

Provide a short description for the meta data (line breaks with \n).

External Basemap ID

Basemap ID used in parameterized calls of WebOffice

Basemap Thumbnail URL

Defines the URL for the Basemap Thumbnail.

Example for local address: pub/images/thumbnail.png


The configuration of thumbnails for map views and basemaps only affects the WebOffice flex Client.

Provide preview images with the size 90x50 pixels but at least with the aspect ratio of 3:2.

Basemap View Category

Display group for Basemap View

Properties - Blank Basemap Views



See chapter List of basemap views for information about basemap view categories. for information about basemap view categories.

See chapter Views for information about the Basemap-Switcher in the WebOffice mobile Client.