Steps to Be Taken in ArcGIS

The first step is to register the data with the server.

To register databases and folders with the server, open the ArcGIS Server Properties in ArcCatalog (or in the catalog window of ArcGIS Desktop).


Registration of the data with the server

Registration of the data with the server


Pick the corresponding Add button if you want to register either a database or a folder with the server.


Registration of folders

Registration of folders


Enter a name for the folder and pick the Add button to add a path to the publisher folder.


Register a folder

Register a folder


After picking the OK button the registered folder will be shown in the dialog box Registered Folders.


The next step is to publish the map service to the server.

Therefore, open the MXD that you want to publish.

Pick the button Full Extent and save the MXD.


Chose File > Share As > Service ...


Publish a map as a service in ArcMap

Publish a map as a service in ArcMap


Pick the first option Publish a service in the window Share as Service.


Publish as service

Publish as service


Choose a connection and keep the default service name.



Ensure that the server has a Publisher role.


Chose server connection

Chose server connection


By default the services are published to the root folder of ArcGIS Server but you can also create another folder.


Create new folder "MyProject"

Create new folder "MyProject"


In the Service Editor window you can define properties of the service.


Settings in the service editor

Settings in the service editor


Pick Capabilities and deselect KML, Mapping must always be enabled.


Deselect "KML"

Deselect "KML"


By clicking Analyze the GIS resources can be checked. To improve the performance and the display of the service, you can adjust certain errors and warnings with a right mouse click on the message.


Analyze in the service editor

Analyze in the service editor


After having rectified the errors (obligatory) and warnings (optional), pick the Publish button.


Publish the service

Publish the service


Data will be copied to the server and at the end you will see a note, that the service has been published successfully.


Confirmation of succesful publishing

Confirmation of succesful publishing