Install ArcGIS Server Object Extension for WebOffice

After the WebOffice extensions setup was successful and the WebOffice Extensions Service was started in the Windows Services in the next step the ArcGIS Server Object Extension for WebOffice (SOE) has to be installed.


First log-in to ArcGIS Server Manager (https://<server name>[:<port>]/arcgis/manager/) using the primary site administrator name and password that was set during the site creation process. Navigate to the Site tab and click Extensions on the left side menu. Now you can add the extension file syn_soe_ao_gateway.soe which is located in WebOffice10.9R4-DVD\Software\ArcGIS for Server Object Extension\.


Add the file syn_soe_ao_gateway.soe as an extension

Add the file syn_soe_ao_gateway.soe as an extension


In case a previous version of the Server Object Extension was added before, instead of clicking Add Extension, edit the extension by pressing the pencil button on the right.


Edit an already existing SOE

Edit an already existing SOE



If you get troubles when installing the Server Object Extension in ArcGIS Server Manager, please try the workaround in chapter Troubles with SOE registration.