Use ArcGIS Online Services

Use ArcGIS Online services hosted by Esri as base data layers if you do not have this base data available in your company.

If you want to implement WebOffice 10.9 R4 projects on a national (e.g. area of interest is Austria or Germany) or international level (e.g. area of interest is Europe or worldwide) without being able to provide geographic base data, then using ArcGIS Online services as base data layer hosted by Esri are a good choice.


Anyway, to add your own specific geodata, you should use the same geographic coordinate system/projection like that used for the ArcGIS Server Internet Services, i.e. use  WGS 1984 Web Mercator (Auxiliary Sphere) in your ArcMap document as geographic coordinate system/projection.



ArcGIS Online services hosted by Esri do not contain very detailed information, the available level of details is limited.


Go to for information on available services and fees (part of the services are free for use, part of them need to be licensed and paid).