Automatic Installation
WebOffice 10.9 R4 allows an automatic installation of certain components. Nevertheless a manual adaption after the installation is necessary. Before starting the automatic installation, please read the limiting factors carefully and contact your WebOffice support team to clarify whether this type of installation is appropriate for your system.
•The automatic installation is exclusively suitable for a single server scenario in which WebOffice 10.9 R4 specific components (e. g. Apache Tomcat, WebOffice web application, WebOffice author, WebOffice extensions, etc.) of previous installations must not exist. •Precondition for a correct installation using the automatic setup is a correct installation of ArcGIS Server and ArcGIS Desktop. •An activated anti virus software might cause an incorrect execution of the automatic installation. Please pay attention to stop/deactivate any anti virus software during automatic installation. |
After a successful setup from the WebOffice Installer the WebOffice extensions have to be installed manually. Be aware that for different systems different WebOffice extensions setups exist. Therefore consider the steps from chapter Install WebOffice Extensions. |
The automatic installation is only supported for the following 64bit-systems:
Operating System |
Minimum OS versions |
Maximum OS versions |
Windows Server 2019 Standard and Datacenter (64 Bit) |
Update: April 2019 |
Windows Server 2016 Standard and Datacenter |
Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard and Datacenter |
Update: April 2014 |
Windows Server 2012 Standard and Datacenter |
Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard, Enterprise and Datacenter |
SP1 |
Windows Server 2008 Standard, Enterprise und Datacenter |
SP2 |
SP2 |
Windows 10 Pro and Enterprise |
Windows 8.1 Pro and Enterprise |
Update: April 2014 |
Windows 8 Pro and Enterprise |
Windows 7 Ultimate, Enterprise, Professional, Home Premium |
SP1 |
Supported operating systems for automatic installation
The automatic setup comprises the installation of the following components:
•Apache Tomcat 9.0.93
•WebOffice 10.9 R4 web application (Release)
•WebOffice author for ArcGIS
•WebOffice-specific folders (see below)
The automatic installation includes some specific installation paths. If you need to abort the installation, please press Close. The respective components will installed at the following paths:
•Apache Tomcat 9.0.93: C:\Tomcat (Port 8080)
•WebOffice 10.9 R4 web application: C:\Tomcat\webapps\WebOffice
•WebOffice author standalone: C:\Program Files (x86)\VertiGIS\WebOffice author standalone
Start the automatic installation with WebOffice_EN.exe at WebOffice10.9R4-DVD/Software/WebOffice Installer/. The automatic setup does not support any user interactions after choosing Install and uses the above mentioned default paths.
The installation of Apache Tomcat is executed (with Version 10.9 R4) no longer in silent mode (in the background). This means that the installation steps for Apache Tomcat are described in chapter Apache Tomcat installation.
The following installation parameters can be specified. In case nothing else is defined, the automatic setup will use the settings below.
During the installation you will be informed about the installation states and the component currently installing. After a successful installation you will see the following notification.
Server Object Extension files will be saved in the directory <ArcGIS Server location>\directories\WebOfficeSystem. In case another path for the ArcGIS config-store was defined, please copy the files to the according directory. |
The files necessary for automatic Server Object Extension registration will be saved in the temp directory.
Further WebOffice-specific folders and files will be stored in the default structure <ArcGIS Server location>\directories. In case another path for the ArcGIS config-store was defined, please copy the files to the according directory. |
These WebOffice-specific folders contain:
Inside these folders the following content will be stored:
•SynOutputService.mxd with FGDBs
•plot layouts
Further folders and files for Apache Connector will be stored in the default directories inside Apache Tomcat, C:\Tomcat. |
Following files will be stored:
A successful SOE registration can be checked in the ArcGIS Server Manager after finishing the installation. If any problems occur, the Server Object Extension registration can be done manually as described in chapter Install ArcGIS Server Object Extension for WebOffice.
In the Control Panel (Programs) you will find the installed components, version numbers included. The entire installation is named as WebOffice.
Check the installation of the WebOffice application and the full-text search application in the directories mentioned above.
Using the automatic installation also includes the automatic post-configuration of Apache Tomcat using parameters like Initial/Maximum Memory Pool Settings and is pointing to the correct JDK. |
Check if Apache Tomcat is started. Afterwards you are able to open SynAdmin of the installed WebOffice application using: http://localhost:8080/WebOffice/synadmin. In the next step install your WebOffice 10.9 R4 license according to Install the License.
Since the automatic setup does not install all components automatically, proceed with your installation manually according to the following chapters:
•Activate SOE on a Map Service
•WebOffice FTS-Index installation
After the automatic installation has been finished, future patches and service packs must be installed exactly according to the direction of VertiGIS. |
In case you want to uninstall the installation package, open the setup via Control Panel (Programs) and choose Uninstall in the appearing dialog. This option uninstalls the WebOffice application, the full-text search application, the WebOffice author and WebOffice extensions. Apache Tomcat and Java JDK will remain installed on the system. They can be uninstalled separately using the common uninstalling process.
•After uninstall, please restart the system. •In case unused files remain after uninstall, e.g. in C:\Tomcat\webapps\<WebOffice application>, please delete them manually. |