Restrictions for Map Views

Create a new Restriction for Map Views or modify an existing one. Use this function to prevent users from certain groups to access specific map views of your WebOffice 10.9 R4 projects.



A Group has to be configured in UserManagement Admin Web to use this wizard.


First select the group you want to create the restriction for.


Create restrictions for map views - step 1

Create restrictions for map views - step 1


In the second step select the project that contains the map view.


Create restrictions for map views - step 2

Create restrictions for map views - step 2


Now choose the map view(s) that you want to restrict.


Create restrictions for map views - step 3

Create restrictions for map views - step 3


In the last step decide whether you want to deny or allow access to the map view.



See chapter WebOffice usermanagement Rights for details about the rights aggregation in WebOffice usermanagement.


Create restrictions for map views - step 4

Create restrictions for map views - step 4


Finally you will get a summary about the restriction that has been created.


Create restrictions for map views - step 5

Create restrictions for map views - step 5



Configured restrictions for map views can be reviewed, e.g. in the upper part (map views section) of Effective Group Rights reports.