Restrictions for Basemaps
Create a new Restriction for Basemaps or modify an existing one. Use this function to prevent users from certain groups to access specific basemaps of your WebOffice 10.9 R4 projects.
A Group has to be configured in UserManagement Admin Web to use this wizard. |
First, select the group you want to create the restriction for.
Create restrictions for basemaps - step 1
In the second step, all projects are listed in which basemaps are configured. Choose the project, for which you want to create restrictions for specific basemaps.
Create restrictions for basemaps - step 2
In the next step, all basemaps are listed which are configured in the appropriate project. Choose the basemap, for which you want to create a restriction.
Create restrictions for basemaps - step 3
In the fourth step you have to decide whether you want to deny or allow access to the basemap.
Create restrictions for basemaps - step 4
Finally you will get a summary about the restriction that has been created.
Create restrictions for basemaps - step 5
Configured restrictions for basemaps can be reviewed. See Effective Group Rights. |