Within this section it is possible to specify general settings about the map content such as:


WebOffice map widget testcontainer - map content

WebOffice map widget testcontainer - map content


Input parameters



Insert the desired scale of the map content.

Map View

Select the desired map view (use the external ID of the map view in the project configuration)

activate map view change

Activates the tool for changing the map view directly in the WebOffice map widget.


The tool shows the external ID of the map view in the drop down list.

use map view change callback

By using this function, the map view that was selected via the map view change tool can also be returned in the callback.


This option appears in the WebOffice map widget testcontainer only when the previously mentioned parameter activate map view change has also been activated.

activate basemap change

Activates the tool for changing the basemap view directly in the WebOffice map widget.


The tool displays the external ID of the basemap in the drop-down list.

activate view linking

Enables the display of specific map views for a special search result. If activated, the appropriate map view, which is configured within WebOffice author, is used for queries, identify and selection operations, as well as for the full-text-search, the Add/Remove tool and Edit/Create operations.

If not configured, the search result gets displayed using the current map view, i.e. the current map view is not changed at all.


More details on configuring result views with WebOffice author standalone can be found under Layer Queries.

activate retain selection

Selection of features should be preserved when map extent changes (by window resize, pan in map)


This parameter globally considers the selection preservation for the tools Identify Click, Select Area, Select Line.


Enables/disables the display of specific search layers of a view.

Basemap View

Select the desired basemap (use the external ID of the basemap in the project configuration)

Geo Bookmark

Select the geo bookmark, that defines the spatial extent for calling the project (the external ID has to be configured in the project).

Map Margin

Defines the number of tiles to get preloaded in the area outside the currently visible map (default is 1.0, note that a change of the value is only useful when using cached services).

exclude north arrow, copyright text and scale bar

By using this option the north arrow, scale bar and copyright information will be suppressed.

Input parameter - Map Content WebOffice map widget testcontainer