The WebOffice mobile client also supports the tool printing (Legacy). If printing is configured you will find a the print button in the lower toolbar of the WebOffice mobile client:


Print tool in the WebOffice mobile client - tablet mode

Print tool in the WebOffice mobile client - tablet mode


Configured print templates can be picked from the drop-down-box. Print scales can either be picked also from a drop-down-box (if configured) or typed in manually.

Via the button Generate Print WebOffice 10.9 R4 creates a print output and opens it in a new browser tab:


Print output in a new browser tab

Print output in a new browser tab


Note: If the new browser tab cannot be opened (e.g. because of a popup blocker), the WebOffice mobile client gives an information, that the file can be opened via a presented link.

Note: The print format is always PDF (web optimized), no matter what is configured.

Note: High resolution printing is supported.

Note: The print fields Title (title_value) and Creator (creator_value) always exist, no matter what is configured.

Note: See chapter Printing (Legacy) for information about the configuration of the printing (Legacy) tool in WebOffice author.