Vector Data Export
This chapter explains how to use the Export Data tool to export vector data such as shapefiles, file geodatabases, AutoCAD formats, etc.
Data export tool form for vector data
Export Profile
Choose one of the configured export profiles from the drop-down list.
Export File Type
Depending on the selected export profile, choose the desired export file type.
This option is only available if one or more projections have been configured in the WebOffice 10.9 R4 project configuration. If available, the user can select a specific projection. If the selected projection is different than the projection used by the WebOffice 10.9 R4 project, the data export will be reprojected to the specified projection.
Note: A default projection can be specified in WebOffice extract server.
Export Data
In order to export the data, the user has three different options in the WebOffice html client:
•Export the current extent:
Simply zoom to desired map extent and click on the button Export Current Extent in the data export form.
Data export the current extent
•Export an extent defined by a bounding box:
Click and hold the left mouse button while creating a select box to define the extent of the data to be exported. After releasing the mouse button the export URL will automatically pop up.
Data export using a bounding box
•Export an extent defined by a custom polygon:
The last option is to create an arbitrary polygon. Every left mouse click adds a polygon vertex, finish the polygon with a double click or click the button Export. After releasing the mouse button the export URL will automatically pop up. In case a snap layer is configured, it can also be used to export data with high accuracy. Use the pointsnap as described in chapter Measure/Markup.
Data export using an arbitrary polygon
Clipping the export extent:
Depending on the WebOffice export configuration the data export either
•includes all objects that are inside the export extent or intersected by it
•clips all objects at the export extent boundaries
Note: See Individual Extent for details about the configuration.
Download the WebOffice Export
After the export extent has been defined, a pop-up window with the download link will open. Click the link to save the zipped file on your local machine.
Download the ZIP file
Note: The data export tool requires a WebOffice 10.9 R4 application with activated WebOffice usermanagement, where an Application Profile has to be configured that includes the WebOffice - Export (Standard) Application Role and is assigned to the group who uses the WebOffice 10.9 R4 project.
Note: See chapter WebOffice extract server for details about the tool configuration in WebOffice author.