Readout Label Engine from Service

The information about the label engine on a service (configured on the data frame in ArcMap) cannot be read out directly from the Esri rest interface. The indirect way via the Server Object Extension can provide this information as follows:


Label Engine on dataframe in ArcMap

Label Engine on dataframe in ArcMap


1. Call a service with an enabled Server Object Extension (e.g. SynOutputService)

In this step a service with enabled Server Object Extension has to be called from those ArcGIS Server, that is providing the service with the requested label engine. In this case call the following rest Url: https://<server name>[:<port>]/arcgis/rest/services/<SynOutputService>/MapServer/exts/SynSOEGateway/soe_base

If this service is secured, you will be asked for a login.


2. Input of the request

Please enter the following information as input for the Server Object Extension request:

soe_f: JSON

soe_q: Copy the following request into this field an adjust the service_name and map_name. The informations for service_name and map_name can be directly readout from the rest interface of the respective service.

{"SYN_SSC": {"REQ": {

  subrequests": [{

    service_info_remote": {

      service_name": OOE/Allgemein_DKM_Orange,

      map_name": DKM,

      syn_type": com.mysynergis.comm.beans.ssc.Type_Service_Info_Remote"


    recursion": 0,

    syn_id_subrequest": a99de815-99c4-4f10-977b-4a08c2a9ef5b,

    syn_type": com.mysynergis.comm.beans.ssc.Type_Subrequest_Mapserver_Syn"


  f": json,

  v": 10.2,

  syn_id_client": WO_a_v10_4_pi,

  syn_id_request": 6cb8a57d-8597-49c2-9d63-67c6a024ebd9,

  syn_type": com.mysynergis.comm.beans.ssc.Type_Request_Ssc"



3. Get response

Call the request and get the information to the label engine directly from the response.


Get response

Get response


Note: The information of the label engine can be useful to avoid problems at Printing with Different Label Engines.