Click z to start the Search coordinates tool in the WebOffice flex client. The tool works in two ways:

Click/tap into the map in order to display the coordinates of the click/tap position

Enter coordinates into the latitude/longitude (resp. X/Y Coordinate) fields and press Display to center the map to the according position


Search Coordinates in the WebOffice flex client

Search Coordinates in the WebOffice flex client


Menu Item



Drop down list with the configured projections

Latitude / X Coordinate

Optional input field to enter latitude / X coordinate.

With a click in the map this field turns into an output field, displaying the respective latitude / X coordinate of the click position in the selected projection.

Longitude / Y Coordinate

Optional input field to enter longitude / Y coordinate.

With a click in the map this field turns into an output field, displaying the respective longitude / Y coordinate of the click position in the selected projection.

Map Projection

Displays the projection of the WebOffice 10.9 R4 project.

Latitude / X Coordinate

Output field showing the latitude / X coordinate of the click position or the entered coordinates reprojected into the map projection.

Longitude / Y Coordinate

Output field showing the longitude / Y coordinate of the click position or the entered coordinates reprojected into the map projection.


Button to reproject any entered coordinates and pan to the position

Note: The WebOffice flex client can only pan to the position if it is inside the full extent of the WebOffice 10.9 R4 project.

Zoom to

Button to reproject any entered coordinates and zoom to the position

Note: The WebOffice flex client can only zoom to the position if it is inside the full extent of the WebOffice 10.9 R4 project.


Note: See Search/Reproject Coordinates chapter for information on tool configuration in WebOffice author.