Export from a search result

Using export profiles, a data export can be started from a selection or a search result.

This chapter explains how to use the data export functionality from the search result.


An export operation from the search result always requires a search result from a spatial selection or

a predefined query.

If the configuration is correct, an additional button will be displayed in the result list.


Note: To configure the export functionality for a search result, please follow the steps in the chapter Export Profiles for a search result.

Note: Currently exporting from a search result only supports the main map projection.



Datenexport aus dem Suchergebnis (WebOffice core Client)

Datenexport aus dem Suchergebnis (WebOffice core Client)



Datenexport aus dem Suchergebnis (WebOffice core Client)

Datenexport aus dem Suchergebnis (WebOffice core Client)