WebOffice Script API- WebOffice mobile
The WebOffice 10.9 R4 Script API enables developers to control specific WebOffice 10.9 R4 functions using JavaScript method calls. The file scriptapi.js, to be found in the directory <WebOffice application>\client_mobile\js\wo, contains all the functions that currently can be used.
Refresh map
•wo.scriptapi.mapByCenterpointScale(fCenterX, fCenterY, iScale);
Request a new map by center point and scale
•scriptAPI.mapByExtent(fMinX, fMinY, fMaxX, fMaxY);
Request a new map by extent values
Return basic information object about the map
Tool selection
Get the currently activated tool
Get the currently activated custom tool
•wo.scriptapi.filterAttributive(sExtCallLayerId, sKeyname, sKeyvalue, bDoQuery);
Perform attributive filtering
•wo.scriptapi.resetFilterAttributive( sExtCallLayerId);
Reset attributive filtering