Readout of LDAP attributes of the signed-in user
This interface of the WebOffice REST API enables the readout of LDAP information of the signed-in WebOffice 10.9 R4 user. Thereby, the following attributes of the signed-in WebOffice 10.9 R4 user can be readout of the appropriate AD-Account, if available. All requests are encrypted via SSL.
This interface extension is supported by the Authentication Type SSO and the Authentication Type LDAP. |
•First name
•Telephone number
•Fax number
•Postal code
For requesting the LDAP attributes, the following REST request is used:
Thereby, the respective login name of the signed-in user has to be used for <WOUser>. The parameter <SessionID_User> includes the current session ID within the jsessionid parameter (for example 4F42EE9F9CAB5C2ABD6E0631324E8280).
The required information can be requested in the following formats (<Format>):
The response of the appropriate request contains the recorded information of the signed-in user within the Active Directory Account:
Output in pJSON:
"id": p.krejci,
"properties": {
"GROUP_COMPANY": SynerGIS Informationssysteme GmbH,
"GROUP_ADDRESS": Technologiestraße 10 / Euro Plaza Geb.E,
"USER_FAX": +43 1 87806 99,
"USER_PHONE": +43 1 87806 53,
Output in JSON:
{"id":"p.krejci,"properties":{"USER_LASTNAME":"Krejci,"GROUP_CITY":"Wien,"GROUP_COMPANY":"SynerGIS Informationssysteme GmbH,"GROUP_POSTAL_CODE":"1120,
"GROUP_ADDRESS":"Technologiestraße 10 / Euro Plaza Geb.E,"USER_FAX":"+43 1 87806 99,"USER_EMAIL":","USER_PHONE":"+43 1 87806 53,
Output in XML:
<GROUP_COMPANY>SynerGIS Informationssysteme GmbH</GROUP_COMPANY>
<GROUP_ADDRESS>Technologiestraße 10 / Euro Plaza Geb.E</GROUP_ADDRESS>
<USER_FAX>+43 1 87806 99</USER_FAX>
<USER_PHONE>+43 1 87806 53</USER_PHONE>
Please see chapter WebOffice Script API general for more details about the usage of the WebOffice API. |