Configure the WMS Service tool to give users the option to add WMS services into the WebOffice 10.9 R4 project. Either configure only the tool, so the user can enter the URL himself or predefine a list of WMS services to be chosen from. Currently, versions 1.1.0, 1.1.1 and 1.3.0 of OGC WMS implementation are supported.



By default the parameters inspire, layer_id, login, map, name, ogc_ticket, pw, service_name are allowed in the URL, any other parameters will be ignored. Although the list of parameters can be expanded in OGC Parameter Whitelist.


Add WMS service tool configuration

Add WMS service tool configuration




Use OGC CSW service?

Specify whether to use OGC CSW service (true) or not (false).

If Yes then keyword search on OGC CSW 2.0 conform catalog service is possible.


Resolution (in DPI) for Export in high resolution.

The value is usually a multiple of 96 (192 or 288). The low resolution export works with the resolution of the screen (96 DPI). An export with less than 96 DPI is not allowed.

CSW SOAP action

CSW SOAP action


For terra.Catalog (conterra) the value process is required.

Use tool?

Specify whether this Tool is available in the WebOffice 10.9 R4 clients (true) or not (false).

Add WMS service tool properties


If you want to provide a list of predefined WMS services the user can choose from, configure the List of WMS Services element that can contain one or multiple WMS services.


WMS service configuration

WMS service configuration





WMS service name.

Data source

Data source information.

Hyperlink to data source

Hyperlink to data source.


WMS URL (get capabilities request).

Service user

User name of User accessing OGC WMS service.


If a domain user is used for accessing the service, then the windows domain needs to be provided in the format domain\user. If no domain is configured then authentication is done locally.



Show legend?

Specifies if it's possible to display the legend of the service via context menu in the Table of Contents (TOC), if the service provides a legend information.

Service category

Determines the Group category for WMS services displayed for the tool Add WMS Service.

WMS service properties



See chapter Add WMS Service for details about adding WMS services in the WebOffice core client.

See chapter OGC Map Service for details about the configuration of OGC map services.