Set up several Cores in WebOffice FTS-Index
•A separate WebOffice FTS-Index core must be created for each WebOffice 10.9 R4 application. VertiGIS does not recommend the scenario that multiple WebOffice 10.9 R4 applications use the same WebOffice FTS-Index core. •VertiGIS does not recommend creating a new core via Solr's Web Admin Interface (WebOffice FTS-Index Dashboard), but only via the method described in this chapter. |
1. Duplicate the WebOffice FTS-Index folder WebOffice'
Create a copy of the existing WebOffice folder in the installation directory of WebOffice FTS-Index in the path WebOffice FTS-Index\server\solr\.
Dublicate WebOffice folder
•Make sure that the name does not contain any special characters. •You can multiply the existing WebOffice folder as often as required if you want to create multiple cores of WebOffice FTS-Index. |
2. Adjust the name WebOffice FTS-Index Core
Rename the folder duplicated in step 1 and use the same name to customize in the file at WebOffice FTS-Index\server\solr\WebOffice_neu.
Adjust the name of the core of the FTS-Index application
•To customize the file, uncheck Read-only in the context menu of the folder. •VertiGIS recommends using the same name as the folder copied in step 1. |
Then restart the WebOffice FTS-Index service and call the WebOffice FTS-Index dashboard at http://localhost:8983/solr/
Restart FTS-Index service
In the Core Selector you will now find the newly created WebOffice FTS-Index.
WebOffice FTS-Index Dashboard with new created core
Select the newly created WebOffice FTS-Index. You can then use the resulting URL in your WebOffice 10.9 R4 application as the address of the search index.
FTS-Index URL of the new core
Enter the address of the search index and the user name and password (By default installation user name: weboffice and password: weboffice4ever) in the Full-Text Search node in the Application Configuration.
See chapter Full-Text Search for configuration of WebOffice FTS-Index in the WebOffice author Application Configuration. |
3. Empty data directory
We recommend that you delete the directory data so that you do not find already existing, calculated subindices in the new core of the FTS index application. Stop the service WebOffice FTS-Index and delete the directory data in the path <WebOffice FTS-Index\server\solr\WebOffice_neu and restart the service afterwards.
Delete the folder "data"
After the restart, the data directory is created again. |
If you have problems with the full text search, see Problem Analyses in the chapter Problems related to Full-Text Search. |