The Selection by Line tool in the WebOffice mobile client selects all features touching a drawn line.


Selection by line tool in the WebOffice mobile client - tablet mode

Selection by line tool in the WebOffice mobile client - tablet mode


Note: The line selection tool also supports a point selection. Just tip/click once into the map to select a feature.

Note: Selections in the WebOffice mobile client are always multilayer selections, that means, that features of all visible layers in the current map view are selected. It is not possible to select features of a certain layer.


Selecting with a line in the WebOffice mobile client - tablet mode

Selecting with a line in the WebOffice mobile client - tablet mode


Selecting with a line in the WebOffice mobile client - phone mode

Selecting with a line in the WebOffice mobile client - phone mode


Note: See chapter Select Line for details about the tool configuration in WebOffice author.