Geolocation shows the current position of your WebOffice mobile client. Pressing the button causes a zoom towards your position in the same browser tab.
If tracking-mode is configured, the WebOffice mobile client will automatically detect the current position depending on the configured interval. The map will be centered, if the position is outside the map display (including 10 % margin).
Note: Be aware that the geolocation is only available if WebOffice 10.9 R3 is called via HTTPS. Positioning is denied for HTTPS connections.
Zoom to position in the WebOffice mobile client - tablet mode
Zoom to position in the WebOffice mobile client - phone mode
Additionally to the location the WebOffice mobile client enables the possibility to save GPS information from the W3C Geolocation API directly to the edit fields of a layer. After getting the location by using the position button, the coordinates will be called and shown in the map.
The WebOffice mobile client automatically offers a snapping possibility, to snap features to the current location. Furthermore the GPS information from the W3C Geoloation API will be called by the browser and directly transferred to the edit form in the client.
GPS information in the edit form of the WebOffice mobile client
Location information in the edit form
Note: See chapter Geolocation for more details about the configuration of the geolocation tool.
Note: See chapter GPS Attributes for more details about the configuration of the GPS attributes assignment.