Boxselection tool in the WebOffice html client

Boxselection tool in the WebOffice html client


After activating the Boxselection tool the dialog will let you choose the selection type, the selection layer as well as the selection mode.


Note: See chapter Select for detailed description about selection type, selection layer and selection mode.


Selection tool dialog

Selection tool dialog


Select features of the chosen layer by using a rectangle extent box. Release the mouse button to select all features inside the bounding box. If only features of a single layer are selected, the Result will automatically open in the bottom part of the WebOffice html client. In case features of more than one layer are found you will see a structured list of found features in the Feature Summary in the bottom left part of the client.


Specifying a rectangle box to select features in the WebOffice html client

Specifying a rectangle box to select features in the WebOffice html client


Note: See chapter Select Rectangle for details about the tool configuration in WebOffice author.

Note: Provide a better overview about layers available for selection by configuring layer categories. See chapter List of Layer Categories for details.