Restrictions on External Applications
By creating restrictions on external applications you can prohibit the usage of an external application such as hyperlinks. Please consider the following configuration steps:
1.Open the WebOffice author and select the corresponding external application. Then assign an Access Control ID, save your changes and then publish the project.
Access Control ID
2.Now switch to the UserManagement Admin Web. Navigate to Applications and modify an existing application. At the step Application Rights you have to define a new right. Therefore, use the Access control ID, which was configured one step before. It is also recommended to choose a meaningful description for the appropriate application right. You can then apply the new application right by clicking on the green plus to the list below. Afterwards finish the wizard.
UserManagement Admin Web - Application Rights
3.Navigate to Application Roles and modify an existing application role. If you want to forbid the usage of the external application, please make sure that the application right for the external application, which was defined one step before, is not selected at step Assign Application Rights. Afterwards finish the wizard.
UserManagement Admin Web - Application Roles
4.Open SynAdmin and download the UserManagement again.
•Please make sure that the affected user group has got the correct rights for using the appropriate application role. •Please make sure that the affected user group has got the correct rights for using the appropriate project. |