Overview Map
The overview map is placed in the right upper corner. In the WebOffice core client, the user is able to collapse it dynamically.
Overview map in the Main Map Display of WebOffice core client
The following navigation modes are possible:
•Pan: By clicking onto a specific position in the overview map, the map image moves to this position without changing its scale.
•Zoom: By raising a rectangle in the overview map, the map image changes over to this position, including an adjustment of the map scale.
Zoom function of the Overview map of WebOffice core client
The overview map is maximized by default. However, it is also possible to configure that the overview map is minimized when the project is opened.
Collapse Overview Map
Dynamic Overview Map
A dynamic overview map allows the user to display the overview map as a function of the extent of the main map image, at which the factor is adjustable. The dynamic overview map performs the same zoom actions as the main map.
Dynamic Overview Map (Zoom in)
Dynamic Overview Map (Zoom out)
Size of the Overview Map
By adjusting the size of the overview map, it can be perfectly fit to the map content.
Adjusted Size of the Overview Map
Note: For more details about whether or not activating the overview map initially, see chapter WebOffice Defaults.
Note: For more details about the configuration of a dynamic / static overview map, see chapter Overview map.
Note: For more details about the configuration of the display extent, see chapter Overview Map - Display Extent.