Navigation Elements

The navigation elements of WebOffice core client are simple and fit the design of the application.


Navigation Section of <%MAP%> des WebOffice core Client

Navigation Section of <%MAP%> des WebOffice core Client


Navigation Elements

The main functions for navigation are positioned on the left side of the map image:



Navigation Elements of WebOffice core Client





Map Rotation

Note: For more information on using map rotation in the WebOffice core Client, see the chapter Map Rotation.

Note: Further information on configuring map rotation in WebOffice author can be found in the chapter Map Rotation.


Full extent of the map


Define scale level (Use scale level list? in WebOffice Defaults)


Zoom in


Zoom out


Show previous extent


Show next extent




Show GPS-Position on the map (Tool Geoloation)

Note: If Tracking-Mode is configured, it can be de-/activated via right mouse-click in the client. If tracking mode is active, it will be highlighted in blue.


Show / Turn off Toolbar


Minimize / Maximize navigation elements


Navigation via Mouse

Mouse function


Left mouse button

Execution of the active tool. By pressing the left mouse button, the map is shifted (Pan).

Right mouse button

Opens a context menu in the map. By pressing the right mouse button, the map is shifted (Pan)

Scroll forward

Zoom in

Scroll back

Zoom out

Press scroll wheel

By pressing the mouse wheel, the map is shifted (Pan)

SHIFT + Raising a rectangle in the map (left mouse button)

Zoom in to the raised rectangle

CTRL + Raising a rectangle in the map (left mouse button)

Zoom out to the raised rectangle

SHIFT + Raising a rectangle in the map (left mouse button) when objects are selected in the map

If a selection tool is active, objects within the raised rectangle are added to the selection.



Navigation by using shortcuts




+ (number pad)

Scale up the current map extent (zoom in)

- (number pad)

Scale down the current map extent (zoom out)

Page up

Move the map section one extent up (Pan)

Page down

Move the map section one extent down (Pan)

Pos 1 / Home

Move the map section one extent to the left (Pan)


Move the map section one extent to the right (Pan)

Arrow key up

Move the map section the configured Pan factor up (Pan)

Arrow key down

Move the map section the configured Pan factor down (Pan)

Arrow key left

Move the map section the configured Pan factor to the left (Pan)

Arrow key right

Move the map section the configured Pan factor to the right (Pan)

Ins (Insert key)

Show full extent