Explicitly Supported Scenarios for HTTPS

In order to use SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) together with WebOffice 10.9 R4 have a look on the four supported cases described below. Other scenarios can occur though they are not explicitly supported.


SSL supported scenarios in WebOffice

SSL supported scenarios in WebOffice


Supported Scenarios (Description of the system sketch):

Case 1: The reverse proxy in the intranet will assign every external HTTPS map request to HTTPS (SSL for sensitive content, registration details) and HTTP (no SSL for non-sensitive content). Notice the information about configurations of Apache Reverse Proxy and URL for a secure Connection.

Case 2: External request via the external server name without reverse proxy (HTTPS for sensitive content, HTTP for non-sensitive content), pay attention to URL for a secure Connection.

Case 3: Internal request via the internal server name (HTTPS for sensitive content, HTTP for non-sensitive content), pay attention to URL for a secure Connection.

Case 4: The application is linked to the AD (Active Directory) using LDAP (lightweight directory access protocol), pay attention to Truststore.



Also in case of external requests only encode the login requests (URL for a secure Connection). Remaining traffic will use HTTP.

An exception regarding SSL in the intranet is the configuration of a Authentication Type SSO.


For detailed information see LDAP Configuration and Truststore.